Philipp Lenssen
The Game You Can't Stop in the Chrome web store -
Amazon's new (?) -
Was just presented in the Google Chrome [web store/ Chrome OS] press conference. Webcast: - Philipp Lenssen
Julian Assange - The Australian, Dec. 8: "Don't shoot messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths" -
Rudolph (You Don't Have To Put On The Red Light) -
When the man from the Freespeechan government had finished his explanation, the man from the Dictatoristan government couldn't help but laugh ...
"My comrade," he said, "forgive my amusement, but it is so complicated to censor a website in your country! You need to pressure storage providers, domain name services, associated payment systems, you need to send fake copyright infringement letters to search engines, give convincing press statements and more. Why, where I am from, we have a central secret database of blacklisted websites... whenever I want to block a site, I just add the address of it to our system and click 'block'!" - Philipp Lenssen
When I close an app on iOS, I believe it still gets some seconds (?) to save its data, even though to the user the closing animation seems instant. Should browsers allow the same with webpages?
I'm asking 'cause whenever I quickly check in to Gmail and select some messages as spam and then hit close on the window, I get a warning box that some operations are still pending, that limited last-chance page-close dialog JS developers can grasp to. (What's worse, during the time this box is open, apparently no new work gets done in the background (?).) If I close anyway -- because I don't want to stare at my email client doing quiet ajax in the background -- then my messages won't be correctly flagged by my last action. (Or should Gmail memorize my last action in a cookie/ localstorage in case I close quickly?) - Philipp Lenssen
"Homeland Security ‘messages’ coming to Walmart, hotels, malls" -
"Shoppers at Walmart will soon have something other than glossy magazines and chewing gum to look at when in the checkout line: A "video message" from the Department of Homeland Security asking them to look out for "suspicious" activity and report it immediately." - Philipp Lenssen
Straight out of the book. - Philipp Lenssen
"I credit my visualization abilities with helping me understand the animals I work with ..."
"Early in my career I used a camera to help give me the animals' perspective as they walked through a chute for their veterinary treatment. I would kneel down and take pictures through the chute from the cow's eye level. Using the photos, I was able to figure out which things scared the cattle, such as shadows and bright spots of sunlight." - - Philipp Lenssen
"Many, but not all, of the best developers I’ve worked with are terrible in client meetings because they can’t see the value in discussion beyond what’s required to get the job done ..."
"I once had a programmer silently and unexpectedly walk out of a job interview, not because he was pissed off, but simply because he felt the interview was satisfactorily complete." - - Philipp Lenssen
Isn't that Nexus S commercial a horribly confusing way for Google to actually show the cool features of the device? I wouldn't understand anything about how it works. In Apple's original iPad commercial it's done right: let the device be the focus and make it shine in actual real-life use cases. -
The YouTube comments to this one are pretty funny. "OMG, NEXUS S shoes !" - Philipp Lenssen
Got a Galaxy Tab with Android, wanted to see how it compares to the iPad. -
The size is in-between the iPhone and the iPad. The OS is a little rough around the edges and nothing feels as smooth as iOS (animations, icons, buttons etc.), and unfortunately apps from the app store can't be zoomed in like the iOS allows you too. Not only does this mean you'll get smaller game resolutions, but also, that the controls will be awkwardly moved to places harder to reach. - Philipp Lenssen
Generally the size of the Galaxy is a bit odd; the iPhone fits in the pocket, the iPad fits in a bag, whereas the Galaxy doesn't fit into small pockets yet also doesn't use the full room of a bag. If you were to carry a bag anyway, the iPad is the nicer alternative. Still, the Galaxy fits into certain jackets, and is of very great size for gaming. If only they'd allow you to zoom in on Android apps, they'd have a terrific gaming device. Perhaps this goes to show that when OS maker and Hardware maker aren't one, the result can't take a perfect/ holistic approach, and will have some usability fails... like this very important one. Maybe an update to Android that allows zooming in (or is there such a feature already?) would solve this? - Philipp Lenssen
If you like comic art & Spider-Man, pls check out my new iPhone app -
First 3 friendfeeders who ask me for a promo code in the comments will get one :) - Philipp Lenssen
I am not a huge comic/Spider-Man fan, but after one week I guess it's fair to ask for a promo code! :) (thanks!) - milivella
How to Disable Google Instant Previews -
Google's Newest Q&A Service: "baraza" -
/already annoyed by Google's web result thumbnail previews
Attached my iPhone to a remote-controlled car and hit Record... enjoy the stunts! -
Taped an iPhone to my remote-controlled car and hit the Record button -
"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind."
Behaviorix, a multiplayer Q&A party game for the iPad -
One of the over 600 questions is: "You get to remove one object from earth. What object will it be?" - Philipp Lenssen
An iPad game demo, fully playable in Google Chrome and Safari thanks to JavaScript (graphics load much slower than the iPad app though) -
The game is Knights vs Knightesses. - Philipp Lenssen
Playable JavaScript app of my new iPad game Knights vs Knightesses (Google Chrome/ Safari needed) -
The Game You Can't Stop -
My friend and I released this today and are looking for feedback & players - Philipp Lenssen
Which of your websites, deleted or lost years ago (or on a backup in a box you can't seem to find), would you most like to get back? - exploring the world of face-to-face iPad games -
See a Random Street View Location -
App Stores Scope Illustrated -
Corona, framework for creating iPhone/ Android/ iPad apps -
Software removes objects from video in real-time -
How to immediately subscribe to replies to question in Google Groups? -