phil baumann

I used to be cute.
RT @karaswisher: The Truth About Tinder and Women Is Even Worse Than You Think - Businessweek via @BW
Marketing Onionified RT @adrants: Denny’s Teams With Atari To Integrate Menu Items Into Classic Arcade Games
It's a good question. Click here to see what happened after these kittens were arrested for indecent exposure
Step A: Have no knowledge about a topic you never cared about Step B: See topic trend on Twitter Step C: Freak-out Step D: Go to Step A
RT @1938loren: Monday Matters #110: Dr. Zuckerberg
It was freedom *from* religion. Not freedom *of* religion. Re-ligion is re-connection to G-d, not to Government. So much for salvation.
RT @jomc: So thoughtful of brogrammers who are not undocumented or queer teenagers in the south or women with stalkers to hack EMOTIONS for us.
The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture
RT @katecrawford: Let's call the Facebook experiment what it is: a symptom of a much wider failure to think about ethics, power and consent on platforms.
It's all pushbuttons, huh? Facebook knows you by what you press? Well, if you believe that, then it's true. If you don't, then it's not.
RT @LarryRosenthal: I spent a few minutes on Facebook earlier today, then I felt the need for Cheese and Cat pics all of a sudden seemed Frightening, Weird huh?
He wasn't the cause, but he sure did send a century careening out of control.
RT @catfitz: Totalitarianism and Freedom of Speech by Podrabinek -- why the West should act:
RT @1938loren: @LarryRosenthal Curating morons and adding a big picture doesn't seem like a good use of time. Anyway.
RT @1938loren: Why ISIS’ Social Media Campaign is ‘Even More Brutal’ Than Most – NBC
RT @amyankh: Recently shared on a storytelling site from 2008 - but timeless piece.
Been playing with words. You'll never Retweet the same anymore
Twitter has always been an advertising bordello. It's now just going from people pimping stuff without paying the house to pay-to-pimp.
On Maleficent: She saw the image, reversed the narrative, and rescued the dead.
Oopsie daisy - Bitcoin security guarantee shattered by anonymous miner with 51% network power
The point of a father isn't to be happy. It's to know how to be responsible. There's lotsa happy and irresponsible fathers in the world.
There is no 21st Century technology. Just 21st Century solutions. Problem is: there's no 21st Century thinking. We're still barbarians.
RT @adweak: BREAKING: Media Agency Launches New Technology That Measures When Someone Almost Clicks on a Banner Ad.
I've always been on edge a bit, anxious about the corner. The life thing terrified me as a kid. Curiosity was my gift. It keeps giving.
And we set out to figure out the Net and the Net set out to figure us out and we knew then that digits were going to be broken.
RT @LarryRosenthal: man, any attempts at governing are being turned into looney toon anarchy land.
My political party's platform is simple: Antipsychotics in the water supply.
BREAKING: Morons finally can't tell the difference between themselves and a can of wires.
RT @SAI: Ex-KGB Major: The Russians first spotted Snowden in 2007, and tricked him into going to Moscow
RT @LarryRosenthal: America has become the reality show. I guess that's ok since most of the rest of the world is a real disaster. Internet and tech can't help.