1 tweet. 20k app downloads. There will always be a backdoor to black hat marketing. Apple can't do anything about it http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhat...
"Fred this feature seems something that is enabled by default in any apple made app and that any developer can enable too. Unfortunately not many do. Even google don't do it and it drives me nuts too. For example in gmail.
I don't get why apple doesn't enable it to all apps by default"
- Ouriel Ohayon
[fr]To retargeters on iOS. Apple is going to give u a hard time. big time. [hint 80% of time is native app. not web] http://www.journaldunet.com/ebusine...
"Funny. was thinking of that idea too. problem is that in order to do that you need access to direct routing /pricing APIs of each service (which not only does not exist yet but not even sure will exist) but also build an equivalent of waze ETA to get accurate data. complex. but indeed very useful."
- Ouriel Ohayon