Ouriel Ohayon

VC. Blogger. co founder of Appsfire.com, Topify.com and Twittertronic.com
Evil israel! See how they treat their arabs. They can end up VPs at Apple.. http://www.ynetnews.com/article... https://twitter.com/OurielO...
Entrepreneurs: build a new rapportive. Now’s the time. Linkedin Killed it http://techcrunch.com/2014...
“@CiFWatch: South Africa Jews threatened with boycott - and violence - by COSATU officials http://t.co/Pn07SDek6N” cc @paulg
Since i see that nowhere, i guess it’s a breaking news? Google buys Jetpac https://twitter.com/OurielO...
RT @startupman: @paulg congrats on ur iteration.1st u disrespect all woman,than Jews now all humans. Are u ok w fish , plants and the solar system #punk
Let me guess, will be acquired 6 months max after the release of 2 pilots http://thenextweb.com/insider...
Reminder: this is head of “human rights” watch… plead for Hamas…well done! #worldupsidedown https://twitter.com/OurielO...
RT @Jewtastic: Here's the Iranian Mullah regime's top paid Washington shill blaming Israel and the Jews for Fergusson violence. https://t.co/N9uJLtq1O5
Voila du titre a 2 balles. Faudrait envoyer GhostBusters a Ashdod je pensant… https://twitter.com/OurielO...
Stupid way to get attention. Bad move. http://www.businessinsider.com/palesti...
The sad part of this “native ad” detector extension: this is how clear it should be disclosed [without the red alarm] http://www.ianww.com/ad-dete...
WTH is going in Ferguson?? this looks worse than Gaza!! in the USA?? https://t.co/eNc55dnOJc
New ? Best ? Hey apple aren't you a little biased here ... https://twitter.com/OurielO...
Watch this woman say she wants her son to become a martyr and die while israeli save his life in the hospital. https://t.co/0D4NF21eiW
Did you spot ads for Secret? https://twitter.com/OurielO...
Good job Humin. You made it on my home screen and passed the 4 weeks test.
Wow, first time i see google provide such accurate answer to a complex question https://twitter.com/OurielO...
Surprise surprise. ISIS operates in Gaza…http://www.vocativ.com/world...
there is a few things i understand in tech. and others i really don’t http://recode.net/2014...
Cher lecteur, voila pourquoi ton cerveau a été nettoye bien comme il faut http://lexpansion.lexpress.fr/actuali...
Youtube - watch later. Uber useful. Catastrophic implementation. please put latest videos first. https://twitter.com/OurielO...
that may be flipboard #1 problem https://t.co/FXOOQvpMux
RT @LererHippeau: . @Appsfire announces completely revamped Sushi for the Appsfire iOS SDK http://blog.appsfire.com/hello-n...
I am fine with renewing 72h cease fire every 72h. for the rest of the next century. #peaceatlast