Crazy reporting turns Beats/$AAPL and maybe dropping the headphone jack into a positive for $BBRY. Seriously. heheh.
Someone write a chat app where if I post something like s/old/new/ it reposts the previous line w/ the regex applied.
DSON is the new JSON.
Do people "jailbreak" Teslas? Can you brick your Tesla?
Urban dictionary says of "word up" - I comprehend what you are saying and verify that your statement is true, my good brother. #heheh
Languages should really be divided primarily around whether or not they do string interpolation.
Nice. @Postmates giving away free umbrellas in NYC this week. Woooord.
RT @_alastair: Apple in 2010: We’re going to make FaceTime an open standard. Apple in 2014: lol
RT @rickyrobinett: #BattleHack team #FoodNow - You may want to check out @OrdrinAPI. May give you the data you’re looking for.
Power cables, you have infinite of them around whenever you don't need one. But as soon as you do? Not. A. One.
RT @BrooklynSpoke: "If cyclists were the terrors some people make them out to be, would our bike lanes look like this?"
Glad Piketty wrote his response to the FT piece. Was beginning to worry about all this time reading an econ book. :)
OH: But you haven't yet given me any defensible argument to support your position other than the disdain in your voice.
So republicans legislate climate change denial, dems block patent troll reform. We now have the worst of both worlds. #yaypartisanship
RT @slashdot: Who Helped Kill Patent Troll Reform In the Senate
Sadly #javascripts default base32 encoding doesn't route out 1, 8 or 0 or even I, B and O. #bummer
I <3 @davemcclure, a better startup's friend does not exist.
I literally just realized that the home icon on @twitter is a birdhouse, not, inexplicably, a house w/ an exclamation point.
I like it when the market does stuff like "Stocks rise because other stocks rose!" Yay! Totally makes sense. #howefficient
She's an ardent supporter of your rights.
Seriously - why is the internet not obsessed with an HD live stream from space?
Apparently is still a thing. Apparently I still think of it as a .us url. ⇢ #huh
And here's what the lens of the ISS cam looks like right now. And #lensflare! Space lensflare!
This is what the earth looks like right now. Just FYI.
RT @jakek: World, the wait is over. My unsolicited advice for new parents is available to all, free and uncensored.
So I'm watching Space Cam and the thought crosses my mind "The ISS Is really over exposed, they should turn down the light." then "Oh." #sun
RT @kentbrew: What the heck, people? didn't smash its funding goal in a weekend? Please pledge!