So I'm watching Space Cam and the thought crosses my mind "The ISS Is really over exposed, they should turn down the light." then "Oh." #sun
RT @kentbrew: What the heck, people? didn't smash its funding goal in a weekend? Please pledge!
I'm watching space tv. Why is this not the only thing anyone is talking about? IT IS THE EARTH. FROM SPACE. ON TV.
Just an hd livestream... OF THE EARTH. Thanks @NASA!
I'm so happy to be grandfathered into various google apps accounts with 10-50 free users. I don't know how the kids get along these days.
How did I not know that hasOwnProperty works on array indices in #javascript? huh.
This.. um.. just.. here's the headline "Coke to drop flame retardant from drinks" ⇒
Note: if you have $AAPL in a google finance portfolio, portfolio related top stories will always be 100% Apple.
I totally just invented "mebs" as the ultimate internet evolution of "maybe."
Guys, my fancy bicycle bell is at the post office. #OMG
The highest natural points in #NYC. This is pretty great. :) Might try them as #bikenyc destinations one day.
How many smallest battery chargers can there be? As far as I can tell, the answer to that is ∞.
That's some nice bicycle riding weather. #bikenyc
This is all I can think of when I think about @swarmapp
RT @dhaelis: These pigeons look like they're about to release the best hip-hop album of 2014.
It's interesting that the WSJ Google pass does *not* work from google finance. And by interesting, I mean annoying.
Huh, I guess we live in a new tech world - Apple updated the Macbook Air yesterday and I heard not a peep on the internets.
TIL - ddate - converts Gregorian dates to Discordian dates. So... Today is Setting Orange, the 47th day of Discord in the YOLD 3180 #linux
So quoth the US Postmaster General "American citizens aren’t our customers—about 400 junk mailers are our customers."
When you change your password and then your muscle memory makes it impossible to type it and you have to try like 3 times every time.
RT @jmover: Now on @Yelp: Businesses that Accept Bitcoin // @coinbase @dwr
Blogging about "leaving" a #programming language is the new blogging about leaving a social network. #justasannoying
Should @felix win the wedgies iPad mini? via @wedgies
Love to see that @Codebabes is so brave they don't list who they are. Presumably a bunch of college freshmen. #letitendalready /via @ra
Guys, all our privacy belongs to them. I presume the NSA's been doing this forever now. ⇒
Remember back in the day when Wall St *hated* $AMZN for spending so much getting into new verticals? Yeah. ⇒
RT @iamdevloper: 1990s: <table></table> 2000s: <div></div> 2014: div { display: table; }
$AAPL. Wow.
Wait. So disc brakes won't stop my #bicycle from squealing in the rain? And there's *no* way to stop that? WTF, #science?
Is it true that people will switch smartphone platforms to play a game they love?? ⇒ #seemslikealie
RT @felixsalmon: You shouldn’t be a Silicon Valley startup founder. My take on Gideon Lewis-Kraus’s new book:
Is there really not a small, lightning connector, AAA powered speaker/mic for iphones? #comeon