Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
I'm seeing there are lots of different ways to build any of current popular services better (Twitter, facebook, ..); now it's Twitter Time
Metabolomics | Signs of a long life | Economist.com - http://www.economist.com/science...
"One use for such information could be to help people with their diet. Advice about healthy living tends to consist of generalisations, like “eat low-fat products”. But there are big differences in the way people respond to food." - Thomas Brox Røst
Fascinating little article. And another great one links from it about mapping gut bacteria: http://www.economist.com/science... - Ginger Makela Riker
A battle of ideas is going on inside your mind | The crowd within | Economist.com - http://www.economist.com/science...
Looking for some good resources on what factors could qualify an original web based application good for mobile phones
friendfeed could be seen as a some sort of ultimate mash-up. Mashups have some real potential & they are not explored well yet.
Agree, Friendfeed's idea of aggregated mashup stream, with the content and the conversations it generates is new I guess. - Mahesh CR
I believe a Mash-Up version of facebook (social network) with some good added features & privacy & ... could become much stronger. - Nikpay
Agreed. What FF is really missing is privacy and compartmentalization story (as in feeds for relatives vs friends vs cowokers etc.) - andrei_c
I am thinking of building a quick service the same as Twitter based on the Google Talks Status & no limit of 140 Chars & much more.
Um, you mean like Pownce and Jaiku? :-) - Brent Newhall
Mmm, right probably, but the client & accessibility is important. More importantly, I want it to very simple not to take so much time. But, I think I need to look around for including some cooler features. - Nikpay
Certainly it's a good idea, Google Social or whatever this will end up being called could easily become the biggest player in online social networking scene faster than anyone. Is that something they should brag about? I think not. If they fail to do accomplish that feat, then we'll have a story. - Damien Franco
google social is a good vision. Google offers API for all of their services & adding more social features to the integration could have a high potential. - Nikpay
Open Wireless and the Illusion of Security - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog...
The ranking model of Feedly is not good enough. The concept of the service is great while ranking turns me off.
Collaborative Filtering: Lifeblood of The Social Web - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
Extreme Programming Explained - http://www.yosefk.com/blog...
Programmer Competency Matrix - http://www.indiangeek.net/wp-cont...
Wow, I like these kinds of works - Nikpay
The one-hour a day model has been probably the best success of mine in managing changes in my diaries
I think the right balance of spending time on a start-up is ~ 50% on the product, ~ 25% on the people & 25% on the anything else.
Basic Economics 2nd Ed: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy, Revised and Expanded Edition - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
iKnowlej Personalized News (& Content) Reader: http://blog.iknowlej.com
Scientists get online news aggregator : Nature News - http://www.nature.com/news...
North Pole Could be Ice-Free This Summer | LiveScience - http://www.livescience.com/environ...
The Paper Version of the Web at Deeplinking - http://deeplinking.net/paper-w...
http://www.balsamiq.com/product... people who liked this must be having some idea about this cool app. I used it for my pet project. - Ketan Khairnar
THE Legal Decision of Our Generation | Venture Chronicles - http://jeffnolan.com/wp...
Slashdot | How Facebook Stores Billions of Photos - http://developers.slashdot.org/article...
Techmeme seems to be down (Returning Server Default Page) - http://www.techmeme.com/
Here is the 7th post: http://blog.iknowlej.com/?p=31; we have lots of plan for info extraction from the news for various needs on-demand
In 7th post, we list some of the basic processing we do over the news for clustering them & adding media & other info (no semantic here)
News are probably one of the most attractive form of info, & there could be huge processing & analysis done over them automated extracting..
Should You Invest in the Long Tail? - http://harvardbusinessonline.h...
Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model - http://harvardbusinessonline.h...
The Sure Thing That Flopped (HBR Case Study and Commentary) - http://harvardbusinessonline.h...
Managing Corporate Social Networks - http://harvardbusinessonline.h...
Our 6th post, http://blog.iknowlej.com/?p=17, explains how our vision on the importance of unified identity for the people online.
Our 5th blog post, http://blog.iknowlej.com/?p=7, explains how diverse iKnowlej is going to be in terms of # of tools, & why this works.