I am thinking of building a quick service the same as Twitter based on the Google Talks Status & no limit of 140 Chars & much more.
Um, you mean like Pownce and Jaiku? :-) - Brent Newhall
Mmm, right probably, but the client & accessibility is important. More importantly, I want it to very simple not to take so much time. But, I think I need to look around for including some cooler features. - Nikpay
Certainly it's a good idea, Google Social or whatever this will end up being called could easily become the biggest player in online social networking scene faster than anyone. Is that something they should brag about? I think not. If they fail to do accomplish that feat, then we'll have a story. - Damien Franco
google social is a good vision. Google offers API for all of their services & adding more social features to the integration could have a high potential. - Nikpay