Nathan Rein

Religious studies professor, married father of two, adoptive Pennsylvanian, web addict, stress case, ADD trainwreck.
Man’s life is a cheat and a disappointment; All things are unreal, Unreal or disappointing, The Catherine wheel, the pantomime cat, The prizes given at at the children’s party, The prize awarded for the English Essay, The scholar’s degree, the statesman’s decoration. All things become less real, man passes From unreality to unreality. This man is... -
My Workout For Monday January 14 -
Dissent from the Homeland: Essays After September 11 -
We pack the physical outline of the creature we see with all the ideas we have already formed about him, and in the complete picture of him which we compose in our minds those ideas have certainly the principal place. In the end they come to fill out so completely the curve of his cheeks, to follow so exactly the line of his nose, they blend so... -
A number of students have expressed distress that there is no “happy ending.” The course emphasizes problems and criticisms of previous work without providing a constructive alternative. A number of colleagues at the regional meetings expressed similar reservations. I can only say that if the course has this effect, it has been successful. I... -
With all the carnage from gun violence in our country, it’s still almost impossible to believe that a mass shooting in a kindergarten class could happen. It has come to that. Not even kindergarteners learning their ABCs are safe. We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after Virginia Tech. After Tucson and... -
Wild Horses (Live Stripped Version) by The Rolling Stones -
Take Me To The River by Talking Heads -
The sight that greeted me on walking into my office this morning. You don’t say. -
Bonjung Japanese Restaurant (4/5) -
"Eating here periodically over the years, the place has really grown on me. It's completely consistent, the quality of the food is never bad, and it's just really, really satisfying. Still not anything…" - Nathan Rein
Eyes Wide Open: Looking for God in Popular Culture -
All I Need (All I Don't) by Girls Aloud -
Aashiq al-Rasul - Every Beat - Acapella Vol 1 - Official Music Video -
Keep The Streets Empty For Me by Fever Ray -
Nightmares-Niagara-Falls-pic0108 -
(via Detention slips you shouldn’t show your mom) -
Re: RealClearReligion - The New Soviet League of Militant Godless -
"So, in other words, this whole editorial was just a roundabout critique of Western hate-crime laws? Because -- sorry for staying the obvious -- it sure SOUNDED as though you were saying you thought Pussy Root deserved their sentence." - Nathan Rein
Cameraphone photo taken in 2006 by a friend of mine on Facebook. -
Re: Texas Judge Preparing For ‘Civil War’ If Obama Re-Elected -
"Dollars to donuts, Judge Head has been reading the Left Behind books." - Nathan Rein
Re: Say hello to the new Fitocracy - Fitocracy Blog -
"glad someone else was wondering besides me. thanks Jen for responding." - Nathan Rein
Re: WhatsApp: Get Rid of Your Text Messaging Plan -
"If you have an Android phone, Google Voice pretty much duplicates SMS functionality using only data or wifi (except it won't get MMS messages). You can text anyone at any number, and they'll get messages that originate from your Google Voice number. Don't know about international texting, though." - Nathan Rein
During the age of slavery, then the era of Jim Crow segregation, when whites separated themselves from blacks, they needed a black individual to tell them what black people thought, desired, needed, etc. (How else were they going to find out?) Often that person was the black community’s minister; later writers served that purpose, from Richard... -
I think this might be Chicken of the woods mushroom -
Re: Some Thoughts on the Penn State Joe Paterno Statue Removal Photo -
"Your link to "key edits of the week" is broken." - Nathan Rein
Re: Grateful Giveaways #9: Rubbermaid Cooking Summer Fun Prize Pack -
"Entry 4: I followed Rubbermaid on Facebook" - Nathan Rein
Re: Grateful Giveaways #9: Rubbermaid Cooking Summer Fun Prize Pack -
"Entry 3: I subscribed to your email newsletter" - Nathan Rein
Re: Grateful Giveaways #9: Rubbermaid Cooking Summer Fun Prize Pack -
"Entry 2: I liked you on Facebook" - Nathan Rein
Re: Grateful Giveaways #9: Rubbermaid Cooking Summer Fun Prize Pack -
"Entry 1: Fried chicken. Or, for vegetarians, a roasted vegetable salad." - Nathan Rein