Nathan Chase - Web Designer, Geek, Drummer, Gamer, Father, Social Media Junkie, Film Buff, Music Enthusiast, Dessert Devotee - Co-Founder, Flickchart
zampa on A few logo variations for Kodi -
"Here are a few more variations on the most liked of the three:" - Nathan Chase
zampa on A few logo variations for Kodi -
"Thanks! Yeah, I tried three kerning variations - wide, tight, and medium - between the three logos." - Nathan Chase
zampa on A few logo variations for Kodi -
"Also, posted on the XBMC forum thread here: [" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Control Center Won't Swipe From Bottom in iOS 8 GM -
"Yes! That fixed it - good call. Thank you!" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Control Center Won't Swipe From Bottom in iOS 8 GM -
"I updated directly from 7.1.2 to iOS 8 GM. Perhaps that's causing some issue? Oh well, my iPhone 6 will be here Friday, so hopefully that one will be working as expected." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Music Melting Pot [Week of September 08, 2014] -
"Here are 4 edited live videos of my band [**The Pauses**]( from a recent show in Orlando where all the bands played songs from 1994. * [**Feel The Pain** \(Dinosaur Jr. cover\)]( * [**Vasoline** \(Stone Temple Pilots cover\)]( * [**Sour Times** \(Portishead cover\)]( * [**Black Hole Sun** \(Soundgarden cover\)]( We also had a [retro-themed promotional site]( for it to remember what the web was like in 1994 - complete with spinning gifs and midi soundtrack! Would love to hear what you think!" - Nathan Chase
zampa on DK2: Having issue achieving 75fps on some demos AND you have multiple monitors? Disabling extra monitors might do it. -
"You can use [Bilago's Game Manager]( to start an executable and force the Rift to be the primary monitor, which is usually how you can achieve the 75Hz v-sync successfully. Once you exit the executable, the game manager switches your monitor back to primary." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Doom 3 BFG, with Hydra based free aim and independent look mechanism is being developed -
"Heck, yeah! Bring it on!" - Nathan Chase
Re: This Is What A Chris Pratt Knight Rider Reboot Would Look LIke -
"Looks like Jamie Barber (BSG) to me." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Gizmodo on Gear VR: Screen door still "very noticeable". Implications for CV1? -
"The screen door never bothered me, even on DK1. With DK2, much less so. If a 1440p Super AMOLED display reduces it even further, I doubt most people will have an issue. It'll probably take beyond 4K resolutions before it'll be so negligible that it no longer becomes an issue." - Nathan Chase
zampa on This is what Oculus Cinema looks like. -
"Oh, man! When can we get it?" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Demo scene / Direct Mode stopped working entirely -
"Yeah, it makes me wonder if something was installed that conflicted or what. Frustrating thing to debug!" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Demo scene / Direct Mode stopped working entirely -
"We're not alone, it would seem:" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Demo scene / Direct Mode stopped working entirely -
"Different error now: > The description for Event ID 0 from source OculusVR cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. > > If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. > > The following information was included with the event: > > **Error: [HMD] WARNING: Modulation stop unverified!** >" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Demo scene / Direct Mode stopped working entirely -
"Still no luck." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Demo scene / Direct Mode stopped working entirely -
"Tried, but that didn't work either. :(" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Demo scene / Direct Mode stopped working entirely -
"Windows Event logs show this: > The description for Event ID 0 from source OculusVR cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. > > If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. > > The following information was included with the event: > > Error: [WatchDogObserver] Deadlock detected: LongPoll I'll try uninstalling the 0.4.1 runtime, rebooting, reinstalling, rebooting, and see if it makes any difference." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Developers: Are you working on making your game compatible with Direct to Rift? -
"I've never been able to get anything other than the demo scene to work in Direct Mode." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Is this effect normal? -
"Maybe try turning off your computer monitor(s) or nearby TVs/devices. I know that when I have my large 36" LCD on, it causes magnetic interference with positional tracking on my Hydras. This effect looks like it could be a similar interference issue." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Ladders! -
"This was my solution as well. Uninstall HLVR. Reinstall latest. Overwrite files with contents of .rar. Overwrite maps. Everything works great now. If only it didn't have black smearing, it'd be a flawless, full-game in the Rift." - Nathan Chase
zampa on How do I fix the hydra bindings? -
"I just rebound the flashlight to right Hydra stick depress using the in-game options. Cleared the key, had it wait for a new key, pressed the stick button down. The ladder problem was persistant for me until I grabbed the latest .rar from [this post]( and overwrote the files accordingly. The whole thing's working perfectly for me now - except for the black smearing - which hopefully is something Oculus can get resolved in a future SDK release." - Nathan Chase
zampa on MaxVR is amazing! -
"Does it truly work in Direct Display mode, pushing right to the HMD? As in, I don't have to have change the Rift Display Mode to Extended for it to work? I've yet to get ANYTHING to work in Direct Display mode other than the demo built-in to the config utility. Can a few others verify this before I plunk down the cash?" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"Oh, wow. I don't think I ever realized that in the vanilla game. Weird! I only noticed it during that rooftop sequence where you're getting chased and shot at by the Combine, and wondered why I couldn't run from them." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"Ladders work great for me, but now I have a different issue that's perplexing. Depressing the left Hydra controller to sprint works perfectly in the training map, but in the actual game, it doesn't work at all. I tried rebinding the key in the options dialog, and it didn't seem to make any difference. Do you have any issues in the actual game sprinting on your local machine? Is there some reason why the sprint key bind would be different from the game to the training level you put together?" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"Ah - I like that particular one a lot. The scale and sense of being up high is really effective." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"I did notice the flashlight is still by default bound to button 2 on the left Hydra controller instead of the right Hydra hat depress. Easy to rebind it in the options, though." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"Hell, yeah, Worm! That did it! The ladder works perfectly now. :) I also noticed the intro screen where you load or start a new game is completely different (now on the top of a building, instead of in the City 17 square). This new .rar fixed everything. Huzzah! Yay for troubleshooting!" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"Well, I see that upon redownloading that .rar, it now includes the autoexec.cfg. The only change from my local version is the addition of cl_ragdoll_collide 1 - but I doubt that makes any substantive difference." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"FYI - The only file in that .rar under the cfg directory is "chapter1.cfg"." - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"The config.cfg by default after installation uses fov_desired "75" Should this potentially be updated for DK2 to fov_desired "100"?" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"@Wormslayer - could you perhaps send (or host) your local machine's config.cfg and autoexec.cfg from the halflife-vr directory? Perhaps you have a setting in one or both of those that the rest of us don't, and that isn't included in the main HLVR installer? Could the config.cfg in Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\cfg also be conflicting and/or causing an issue, or does that get overruled by the HLVR config files?" - Nathan Chase