Nathan Chase - Web Designer, Geek, Drummer, Gamer, Father, Social Media Junkie, Film Buff, Music Enthusiast, Dessert Devotee - Co-Founder, Flickchart
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"The config.cfg by default after installation uses fov_desired "75" Should this potentially be updated for DK2 to fov_desired "100"?" - Nathan Chase
zampa on Half Life VR 1.3.4b -
"@Wormslayer - could you perhaps send (or host) your local machine's config.cfg and autoexec.cfg from the halflife-vr directory? Perhaps you have a setting in one or both of those that the rest of us don't, and that isn't included in the main HLVR installer? Could the config.cfg in Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\cfg also be conflicting and/or causing an issue, or does that get overruled by the HLVR config files?" - Nathan Chase
RT @ID_AA_Carmack: Gave @trent_reznor a demo of some new VR tech before the NIN show tonight. He totally gets it.
zampa on My best experience as of yet. Half-life VR with Razer Hydra -
"I was never able to do it easily on DK1, but now on DK2, I can squint with one eye and look down the sights and surprisingly shoot with accuracy! It feels super realistic! Amazing stuff. The crossbow sight gives me some of the best presence I've had yet, although the Hydra's just a little too noisy data-wise (and thus shaky) to keep it crystal clear." - Nathan Chase
zampa on My best experience as of yet. Half-life VR with Razer Hydra -
"Ok, at least it's not just me! :p" - Nathan Chase
zampa on My best experience as of yet. Half-life VR with Razer Hydra -
"Everything else seems to work perfectly fine. When I get to the weapons area, all the positional tracking on the right Hydra controller is working great. The reloads (the Magnum is so cool!)... It's just ladders that don't seem to work for me." - Nathan Chase
zampa on My best experience as of yet. Half-life VR with Razer Hydra -
"I've got HL VR working with the Hydra, running at 75fps v-synced, but I can't seem to get the Hydra controls to work correctly. The training level says to point the right controller up and down to climb up or down a ladder. It does nothing. The console log shows nothing but zeros. I'm not sure if there's something I'm doing incorrectly, or that the Hydra's not picking up positional data, or what." - Nathan Chase
Aphex Twin releases new blimp over London
Designers, This Is A Collection Of Generic & Overused Logos You Should Avoid -
I got destroyed at a web-surfing competition
Woman slammed to the ground, injured in Publix purse snatching
zampa on Titans of Space DK2 release! -
"Beautiful. It runs 75fps and smooth as silk on my DK2. One of the best looking demos currently available to show it off. Excellent work. The attention to detail and all of the toggleable options are much appreciated. FWIW, the way I was able to get this to run its best was: * Run the DK2 in Extended Mode * Make DK2 the main display * Ensure the DK2 is the leftmost "monitor" in Windows "Screen Resolution" dialog The positional tracking feels great. It's very nice to lean in and use the head position and dynamic crosshair to hit the "next" button." - Nathan Chase
Remember Me creator's next game looks like Gone Home with time travel
Titanfall: Free The Frontier - Gamescom 2014
Beastie Boys | So What’cha Want | Muppets Version
RT @paland: When the barista asks “which drink do you want free” is the answer ever something other than “the most expensive one”?
Super Win is bringing the classical age of NES back to life
"Transcendence" is now ranked #906 on my Flickchart!
Why the Summer Music Festival Bubble is About to Burst
Alien vs Predator at Halloween Horror Nights 24
"Guardians of the Galaxy" is now ranked #247 on my Flickchart!
Grootastic! // "Guardians of the Galaxy" is now #247 out of 1317 movies on my Flickchart! via @flickchart
zampa on Extended Desktop Mode is a Giant Pain in the @$$. Are there any other solutions? -
"Same here - half on main, half on Rift. I can't find a workaround either." - Nathan Chase
zampa on First Impressions of DK2 from a DK1 Owner -
"None so far! It also doesn't have a weird smell like the DK1 had, so that helps too. Granted, I haven't tried anything with lots of lateral or vertical movement for more than 5-10 minutes yet." - Nathan Chase
Montessori of Winter Garden Charter School uses nontraditional teaching methods to reach
Sketch Three: Avant-Garde (R.P.M. 2) -