Naor Mark

Product Marketing Guy @ TEOCO; "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
RT @ETTelecom: TEOCO releases capacity planning software for telcos http://telecom.economictimes.i...
RT @YousefMunayyer: DON'T circulate ISIS propaganda. If true (I hope not) RIP James Foley. Honor him & others by redoubling efforts against this ISIS barbarism
RT @dmscott: Don’t push product. Teach people something. Share your expertise.
RT @TEOCO_Corp: New Version of Capesso released find out more here
RT @KellyMatthewsTO: I taped Robin Williams on 'Inside the Actor's Studio' and often play it to lift my spirits. It's all I ever need.
RT @mchancecnn: IDF: Since 08:00, at least 18 rockets launched from #Gaza. 2 intercepted over Ashkelon, 14 hit open areas while 2 landed short of Israel.
Flow Chart Tries to Educate the Public on the Rules of Using a Photo They Found Online
שכחתי כמה דביקה תל אביב
RT @AmirAsias: Steve Jobs had plans to make free, shared Wi-Fi the norm to improve iPhone experience
RT @IDFSpokesperson: Watch this exclusive @NDTV report on how Hamas assembles & fires rockets in densely populated areas in Gaza. RETWEET.
RT @AnalysysMason: Network sharing can be an attractive alternative to M&A in #telecoms market #mobile
RT @eliselabottcnn: @ #Hamas spox Osama Hamdan wouldn't deny his comments that Jews slaughtered Christians, mixed blood for holy matzoh in intvu w/ @wolfblitzer
RT @MoisesNaim: Must read:"What Would Hamas Do If It Could Do Whatever It Wanted?" By @JeffreyGoldberg @TheAtlantic
RT @adamfeuerstein: If this CNN story is true, dump your $TKMR b/c Mapp Biopharma has effective Ebola therapy —>
RT @robleathern: @sarahcuda As a father and tech founder, I thank you+@paulcarr for Pando's reporting on Secret. Important + seems many don't want to cover.
RT @alonbd: האם הפלסטינים ביימו את התקיפה בבי"ס אונרווא ברפיח אתמול? תחקיר שמעלה שאלות מעניינות...
RT @ivan_curkovic: cloud computing stacks explained as pizza service #paas #saas #iaas
RT @TheNextWeb: You can now use your @EE phone instead of an Oyster card for contactless payments on London buses by @TheNextWoods
RT @TroyHenikoff: So True! “@startupvitamins: A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.”
יש תחושה של הזדמנות מדינית, השאלה אם ההנהגות שלנו ושל הפלסטינים חכמות ואמיצות מספיק
More here “@niron: 12 Years After Its Debut On Hacked Xboxes, XBMC Changes Its Name To Kodi”
RT @faniaoz: Amos Oz: "The more Israeli casualties, the better it is for Hamas. The more Palestinian civilian casualties, the better it is for Hamas."
RT @DannyNis: I'm going to re-up this tweet from six hours ago to make my point.
RT @MarkClayson: Survey: Most Americans Would Consider Buying Self-Driving Cars: The United States is warming up to the idea of...
RT @talshalev1: Ramallah off':"Kerry is exploiting the war to restore the influence of Muslim Brotherhood in region" @KhaledAbuToameh
בשם הורי הלוחמים עכשיו באמת תודה על אינפלציית הכתבות על החללים, כי לא קשה מספיק
#pt is it authentic? Looks like mortar tail
RT @gomez_jn: This shell is believed to have been the cause of several deaths today in Shiyaiya. Anybody knows what it is ?