Hey @americanexpress, the bartender Francis you hired for #thecenturionlounge at SFO is a keeper.
Science Startups meet at Le Web 2014 | http://blog.mendeley.com/events-...
RT @gnome: Help the GNOME Foundation defend the GNOME trademark against Groupon! Please donate at https://t.co/sYjURz1QGW
RT @Oatmeal: Dear @SenTedCruz, I'm going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works http://theoatmeal.com/blog... https://twitter.com/Oatmeal...
This is a cool project from a friend: Artemis: Smart Jewelry for Personal Safety https://t.co/3dbxWCu0Sa check it out and support if you can
RT @brokep: My body just got re-united with my soul and mind, the parts of me that matters and that never can be held hostage. #freebrokep #brokepfree
Whoa.. RT @libcce: The helical model - our solar system is a vortex: http://www.youtube.com/watch... via @YouTube
How to prepare for the financial side of open access http://www.jisc.ac.uk/blog... by @njneilj
WATCH: Over 300,000 Internet users helped shape this video. Check it out at https://openmedia.org/ourfutu... (via @theopenmedia)
RT @WSJ: President Obama asked the FCC today to issue strong rules to protect net neutrality. http://online.wsj.com/article... https://twitter.com/WSJ...
RT @NYCLU: BREAKING: NYPD to stop arresting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-yor...
RT @tbiz: on what better day than #Fx10 #chooseindependent #Firefox RT @thinkprogress Obama calls for ban on internet fast lane http://thinkprogress.org/justice...
The number of researchers is growing faster than the number of papers. Implications for #altmetrics? Science-Metrix - http://www.science-metrix.com/en...
RT @simonbayly: Justice prevails MT@paulcoxon: Italian scientists who failed to predict L'Aquila earthquake have been acquitted http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2014...
RT @xor: 77 computer scientists tell the Supreme Court that of fucking course APIs can't be copyrighted are you kidding me https://t.co/yk8i84zbYR
“IF IN DOUBT…TAKE IT!” Behind Closed Doors, Government Officials Make Shocking Comments About Civil Forfeiture - http://www.buzzfeed.com/nicks29...
Obama tells the FCC to implement real net neutrality. And he’s serious. — Tech News and Analysis - https://t.co/AVmsnWpkL1
Elsevier invites start-ups to present at LeWeb - Research Information - http://www.researchinformation.info/news...
RT @R4LPartnership: Unlocking the benefits of open data - Research Information http://www.researchinformation.info/news... via @researchinfo
RT @acidflask: The hipster effect: When anticonformists all look the same http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.8001
RT @nthmost: hearing the Gospel of Aaron from a succession of technopagans in the @internetarchive Great Room. #keepgrabbin.py https://twitter.com/nthmost...
RT @CaldeFer: There is no justice in following unjust laws #AaronSwarts #InternetActivist https://twitter.com/CaldeFe...
RT @pickover: The difference between freedom and slavery is one thin line. The difference between sleeping and awakening... https://twitter.com/pickove...
RT @deevybee: Putting my money where my mouth is on Open Access. This paper submitted direct to PeerJ; published + reviews https://t.co/9H8gRULwte
RT @SynBioBeta: Looking to further develop your business skills or get an introduction to the field of synthetic biology? http://synbiobeta.com/course... #SBBSF14
RT @theWinnower: Any bloggers in DC area interested in reproducibility? Contact us we have a cool opportunity available next week!
RT @MendeleySupport: We have greatly improved the speed of the Word plugin for MD 1.12.3, it will be a lot quicker to update large files http://www.mendeley.com/downloa...