Kaspar Minosiants

Russia. St. Petersburg. Enterprise software engineer. http://minosiants.com
RT @normanmaurer: Find the slides of my #netty - a look behind the scenes talk here http://normanmaurer.me/present... . Talk took place during #vertx day at #eclipsecon
The Company You Keep (2012) - http://www.imdb.com/rg... | GOOD !
How to get more free space from Dropbox by refferals in VMware: http://www.youtube.com/watch... via @youtube
Электронные книги со свободной ценной на @www_books_ru http://www.books.ru/knigi-s... . Круто ! https://twitter.com/minosia...
View from the window ;) First day of the Spring !!! https://twitter.com/minosia...
View from the window ;) First day of the Spring !!!
I just unlocked the "Super Swarm" badge on @foursquare for checking in with 499 other people! https://foursquare.com/minosia...
RT @nathanmarz: An amazing initiative dedicated to growing computer programming education. Show everyone you know. http://www.code.org/
RT @dnene: Blogged. Exploring Java 8 Lambdas. Part 1 http://blog.dhananjaynene.com/2013...
-4 not bad )
I just unlocked the "Swarm" badge on @foursquare! https://foursquare.com/minosia...
I'm at Changi International Airport (SIN) (Singapore) w/ 42 others https://foursquare.com/minosia...
OK on board ) ready to take off . Bye bye Mel !!!
RT @dcsobral: The Reality of Developer's Life | Java Code Geeks http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013... -- omg, finally a way to explain what is like being a dev!
RT @DonaldOJDK: End of Public Updates for Oracle Java SE 6 http://openj.dk/2013...
RT @xcoulon: #JavaOne 2012 Talks are now available on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/playlis...
RT @bettyatnetflix: Every Friday, the Netflix folks get fancy, huh? http://twitter.com/bettyat...
Друг с работы зарелизил очередную версию своего продукта Execute Query http://executequery.org/index.... Крутая прога. #sql #database #java
RT @takisd123: We're finally out - ExecuteQuery v3.6 - few tweaks, few additions - http://executequery.org/downloa... #executequery - have a play
scala created 118100 class files for import scala.{specialized => sp} trait A[@sp A, @sp B, @sp C, @sp D, @sp E] { def a(a:A)} thx @bornmw
RT @shinypb: iPhone compass. Seems legit. http://twitter.com/shinypb...
I'm at Spicy Fish (Melbourne, VIC) https://foursquare.com/minosia...
RT @stop: The bigger news here is not that Opera is at 300m users, but that it's switching to WebKit for rendering: http://www.opera.com/press...