Kaspar Minosiants

Russia. St. Petersburg. Enterprise software engineer. http://minosiants.com
I'm at Spicy Fish (Melbourne, VIC) https://foursquare.com/minosia...
RT @stop: The bigger news here is not that Opera is at 300m users, but that it's switching to WebKit for rendering: http://www.opera.com/press...
RT @foursquare: Today’s Android update: three big changes to help you discover the best stuff nearby http://blog.foursquare.com/2013...
RT @glassfish: #JavaEE7/JSR 342 Public Review opens today: http://jcp.org/en... Servlet 3.1/JSR 340 as well: http://jcp.org/en... (via @jcp_org)
"@java: Reminder: Bay Area #Scala Meeting at Oracle Santa Clara Feb 14 features two #JVM experts https://blogs.oracle.com/java..." /cc @bornmw
RT @gowalla: It's true: Gowalla is going to Facebook! http://blog.gowalla.com/post...
RT @TIME: Australian kids to be banned from blowing out candles on birthday cakes http://world.time.com/2013... (via @TIMEWorld)
"@InfoQ: Presentation: Dagger: A Fast Dependency Injector for Android and Java http://www.infoq.com/present..." /cc @PaulBoony
Activity stream in twitter it's like twitter timeline in 3D :)). Good !
RT @RosenfeldMedia: "Creativity is people who care enough to keep thinking about something until they find the simplest way to do it" http://www.businessweek.com/printer...
RT @mariogleichmann: You know you're programmer if you desperately want to travel with a space craft just to say 'Hello World' ...
RT @myfear: Azzet is a simple #Java library for loading #assets from various sources https://t.co/X7XxTnFA < nice idea...
Chrome Web Lab | IxDA Interaction Awards http://awards.ixda.org/entry...
RT @snazzykrobar: 25 Interaction Design Award Winners. Great Stuff. I wish I was there! #ixd13 http://awards.ixda.org/2013int... http://twitter.com/snazzyk...
New symbol (triangle) in @PCoffeeBrewers DSL )) . What does it mean ? http://twitter.com/minosia...
I'm at PappaRich (Melbourne, Vic) w/ 4 others https://foursquare.com/minosia...
Sir Tim Berbers Lee (@ Wilson Hall w/ 10 others) https://foursquare.com/minosia...
SVN ( I should say GIT probably :)) ) will remember us guys ;) @tarciosaraiva @stevemac @millhousetweets @PaulBoony @takisd123 @_philBrown
RT @jrez: @Padday: "We are no longer designing destinations - we're designing systems that aggregate content in real time" #IxD13
RT @Graphic_Mint: An augmented reality stargazing app https://itunes.apple.com/ca... #IxD13
Updated my chrome ext https://chrome.google.com/webstor... | Now should work fine. Problem was that CSP was added to chrome ext http://developer.chrome.com/extensi....
RT @jmspool: Oooh, a Prezi-based talk. Great way to find those audience members who suffer from motion sickness. #ixd13
RT @justsomeguy: Who's doing #sketchnotes at #IxD13? @bysusanlin, for one. Check out her work: http://twitter.com/bysusan...
RT @markusvoelter: New Book Available: The new book, DSL Engineering is now available. You can get the print version as well as the... http://voelterblog.blogspot.com/2013...
Dagger † A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. http://square.github.com/dagger... | Looks really clean, neat, awesome.
Stand Up Guys (2012) - IMDb http://www.imdb.com/title... | GOOD !