Michael Fidler

Welcome to my feed. Thanks for coming by!
Small earthquake in L.A.
Chrome Extensions Get Desktop Notifications - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
Just noticed that @thomaspower is following me again. It's a true honor, even if it's one I share with 13,866 others, but who's counting:)
Getting ready to watch LOST! Hope we get some answers in this episode.
It's going to be dark soon, and Edison still hasn't restored power to my building. Time to break out the candles! #livinginthedarkage
Happy Earth Day! Now go clean something up:) - http://www.google.com/
Rolling Stone puts entire archives online - http://news.yahoo.com/s...
Is anybody else looking forward to tonight's episode of LOST?
no I never watched it - VALZONE#SCREWED
WOW, that was a good episode! - Michael Fidler
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/12-soci...
Earthquake in L.A. My building is still moving!
Apple's IPad Goes on Sale - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Doing taxes:(
I can't remember the last time that I watched two TV shows in a row. However, thanks to the shows LOST and V, that's about to change!
House passes health care reform, the most sweeping social legislation in more than four decades - CNN
Have to watch this movie! - Burçak Çubukçu
Definitely! It's worth checking out .On another subject; I never meant to share this video or the other ones from this morning. I put them in a private playlist to watch later, however I never made them favorites for sharing. Now I need to try to find out what happened. I'm glad that you liked them though. - Michael Fidler
They went to Facebook too. I just checked my settings and nothings changed. I have it set to share only videos that I favorite. WTF??? - Michael Fidler
Nothing is private anymore? - Burçak Çubukçu
Jimmy Page - Stairway To Heaven Live - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
DreamocXL - 3D Holographic product display http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Get ready for those iPad pre-orders! Apple Store down - http://www.tuaw.com/2010...
The Apple Store is currently down in the US, the UK and the rest of the world. Grab your credit card and get ready for the iPad pre-orders to begin at 5:30PT - Michael Fidler
Okay, go get one. It's 5:31AM - Michael Fidler
The 3G models are available for pre-order also! Apple says that they will be shipping in late April. - Michael Fidler
Dang Limit 2 per person. :-/ - Comics Forge
How To Write The Perfect Tweet http://twittercism.com/the-per...
Blondie – Blondie - Call me - http://blip.fm/profile...
Oldy but Goldy! - Burçak Çubukçu
The first single I bought w/ my own money. :) - Ayşe E.
AP Opens New Products Gateway; Unit Includes AP Mobile, OVN - http://moconews.net/article...
Considering that I'm experiencing so many problems with Google Reader at the moment, it doesn't surprise me that it took a week for this to surface after sharing it. If I had to guess, it has something to do with Google Buzz. - Michael Fidler
RT @tacanderson: Your life may be a train wreck but you don't need to bring it to Facebook. That's what YouTube is for http://www.tacanderson.com/your-li...
The little shadow versus the sunset - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
louisgray.com: GMail Ads on Buzzed Reader Items Attract Controversy http://blog.louisgray.com/2010... (via @koltregaskes)
Raw Video: Shuttle Makes Rare Nighttime Landing - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
The New Facebook Home Page Guide That You Must Read - http://www.allfacebook.com/2010...
michaelfidler posted a new favorite picture (via): - Michael Fidler
awesome - Nicķ