
Enginerdery : love of all things science, engineering, creative, design, and nerd um... ery.
RT @royrod: Org chart comics... really well done and funny. My favorites are Oracle and Microsoft. http://www.bonkersworld.net/2011...
500+ emails down to 21... getting close.
now and then I try diff fixed-width fonts for programming. Always end up back at Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. Inconsolata's not bad.
Seeing people's ability scores is cool. fascinating is the grade for the user submitted *questions*. #smarterer
So much for the gym today... put my gym clothes on and everything. ugh.
hi would lik to asku a few details abt web technology projects could u help me..? - Koki Skv
My @smarterer score is 117 in #excel. How smart are you? Answer questions. Get your score. http://smarterer.com/None... ∂øø∆ê
Congrats @dcancel, @bokardo, @bhalligan and @dharmesh on the acquisition. Performable + HubSpot will be formidable!
Pretty fried for my #pythonmeetup #sqlalchemy talk, hope people got something out of it! Now to sleep.
Nothing like accelerating from 0 to 500mph in one day. :) #webinno30 + Techcrunch http://techcrunch.com/2011...
Now that I can breathe a little, it's fascinating to see the tests and questions people are adding. #powertothepeople
Holy begeezus... didn't expect quite the deluge we got for Smarterer. Sorry to everyone while it was busted.
Smarterer Badges – My Score on the Google Search test - http://mikepk.com/2011...
Finally had it with my flaky Comcast internet service. It always manages to fail when I need it most.
Any @comcast reps online and able to register a new cable modem MAC w/my account?
Rock! Congrats. @dharmesh: Woo hoo! @hubspot wins best place to work in Bos for 2nd year in a row. An awesome team. So very proud of them.
Figures. In the middle of a ton of work and comcast Internet is down again. Guess I'm actually getting some sleep tonight.
3D in a browser without canvas using CSS3... neat hack: http://jlongster.com/s/dom3d/
Tired, need to get up early, but I know tomorrow will be a zero-chance-to-code-day.
First commercially available quantum computer... we're living in teh future: http://blogs.forbes.com/alexkna...
3D transistors - Intel will have them in *production* at the end of this year. Awesome. http://www.engadget.com/2011...
RT @rseanlindsay: How's things at @Viximo? -- in the words of Lil Wayne "No time for resting / 'Cause [we] don't take breaks / [we] just break records"
RT @aaronwhite: Boundless Learning, Hiring Revolutionaries - “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and... http://restrictionisexpression.com/post...
RT @marshallk: Why Every Single Person Should Take 30 Seconds to Opt-in to the Delicious Data Transfer http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
wonder if spammers look at our obfuscated emails online and think "oh how cute" as they write parsers to extract our emails DOT com
Neat - iOS javascript based games w/bundled JavaScriptCore and HTML5 compat layer - PhobosLab http://www.phoboslab.org/log...
Had fun meeting people at the Boston Python group hack night. Thanks to @performable for hosting! #python #hacknight
Carl Sagan, was one of my heroes. Great tribute: The Sagan Series http://saganseries.com/
RT @marksoper: New blog post on server-side DOM manipulation with JSDOM, JQuery, and Mustache templates in Node.js (new blog too!) http://blog.marksoper.net/Server-...
Team "smarterest", rocked nerdnite trivia tonight at the middlesex lounge num 1 out of 32!
.@dharmesh while there are parts of Django I'm not crazy about, their docs/tutorials are great
Very impressed with hipmunk's flight search interface. http://www.hipmunk.com/