Michael Leggett

Gmail Design Lead and new dad.
We had some beautiful weather in Seattle last weekend. - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
Now that's meta... YouTube ITSELF does the Harlem Shake: http://www.youtube.com/results...
10 years ago, I was elected student body co-pres with my good friend Bryan. http://archive.fairvote.org/schools... We had a lot of fun that year.
Sharpie Magnum… Where have you been all my life? - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
RT @KatieS: Fact: our First Lady is the best ever http://www.youtube.com/watch...! cc @FLOTUS
RT @simonsmith001: Want to know how Google Glass feels? Check out this new video... https://t.co/I0K2fIe2
Back in CA for a day. The scary droid has a flashy skirt. - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
RT @googlejobs: Expert in design software? We're looking for an Android Visual/Motion Designer in Kirkland: https://www.google.com/about... (Contact @leggett)
The most poorly designed a/c control possible. No idea what the vent/exhaust slider does or why it is a slider. “High heat” and “high cool” == blow hard. Temp goes from hot to cold. It took us several nights to master. - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
And probably no app for your smartphone either. :-( #nest - Brian Johns
Any designers in Seattle interested in joining a small team looking to have a big impact on Android? We're hiring! https://www.google.com/about...
Definitely inherited my ability to sleep anywhere - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
RT @SeattlePD: Some more info on the Stinger missile launch tube we collected at the buyback: http://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2013... #missilemiscellany
RT @SeattlePD: 2 hours into event. So far, over 160 different guns turned in, over 35K in gift cards handed out!
Just realized I can bounce the flash on the Sony RX100. Works so well. Of course, I'm not the first to realize this: http://cdn.asia.cnet.com/story_m...
RT @oddreee: Super happy with the Niners win, but now there's no hope of a bird v bird Super Bowl.