Loving #IoTH http://radar.oreilly.com/2014... it has similar vision to #collabweb: how humans and things cooperate differently when things get smarter
A5: The intersection between #firstperson technologies and #IoT is the biggest unexpIored opportunity #IoTChat
RT @sxprogram: Seth's Blog: Two people you might need in your professional life http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_b...
RT @500Startups: More design goodness: Who owns your #UX philosophy?http://venturebeat.com/2013... via @VentureBeat
RT @pkedrosky: New McKinsey study on the "social economy": Expect to see these graphs in every pitch ever - http://www.mckinsey.com/insight...
Listening to Jason Best & Sherwood Neiss from @crowdfunder /re @startupamerica Crowdfunding for startups webinar: https://events.r20.constantcon...
RT @Armond_M: You can now download and print posters of the Scaled Agile Framework Big Picture. Check it out. http://scaledagileframework.com/downloa...
RT @chrisabraham: 15 experts define Agile Marketing http://www.biznology.com/2012...
congrats! @marissamayer it's time to start remembering my Y! credentials, there's hope again for Yahoo! http://pressroom.yahoo.net/pr...
Checking the right #agile practices for each stage of #innovation: http://www.romanpichler.com/blog... maintenance, new features, new product
A economy of experiences is emerging http://cdixon.org/2012... /by @cdixon "interaction design is replacing technical prowess ... at startups"
RT @erickschonfeld: Yup, the clearest choice. RT: And The Winner Of The Third Annual TechCrunch Disrupt NYC Is UberConference http://techcrunch.com/2012...
The AdSense killer, PayBook, charging apps for identity & news feed ads are @joshconstine suggestions for FB http://t.co/CLPzjKkp
The benefits of an #agile product roadmap http://www.romanpichler.com/blog... /by @romanpichler and some differences with the product backlog #prodmgmt
The student debt bubble analyzed by @mcuban http://blogmaverick.com/2012... higher education needs disruption #innovatorsdilemma #talent
A checklist by @sum_itsin of things to consider before kick-starting your startup journey http://www.roundbreak.com/2012...
#OnlineMarketing Social is how people hear about you, search is how they find you, and content is how they qualify you http://geofflivingston.com/2012...
Wrap content with appropriate underwriting, and set it free to roam the Internet http://battellemedia.com/archive... /by @johnbattelle #thneeds #display
RT @BizModelYou: New video explains "business model you" in two minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch... http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Listening to #GillmorGang Live http://techcrunch.com/2012... where @dsearls #Intention Economy was discussed!
Growth hackers embody the hybrid between marketer and coder needed to thrive in the age of platforms http://andrewchenblog.com/2012... by @andrewchen
VC competition or Angel coopetition http://uncrunched.com/2012... excellent insight #thestateofVC by @arrington tip @techmeme
Iniciando el cambio en mi identidad en Twitter, después de 6.100 tuits en más de 61 meses, este handle migra a algo más amigable, espero :)
RT @timoreilly: Twitter's new Innovator's Patent Agreement is a huge step forward. http://t.co/dAYTgumX Other companies should adopt this!
Me encanta Innovator's Patent Agreement #IPA de @twittereng http://t.co/4nBL1vEj un compromiso para q patentes se usen solo como defensa!
RT @Vanesak: At the AVBCAP conference in Sampa. Note to any LatAm Entrepreneur wanting to create regional businesses: must learn portuguese NOW!!!
Me inclino por el rey en #HTML5 según @favbrowser http://t.co/OQbzgRZn en lugar de Firefox x64 http://t.co/fhHqZysU
En Win8, mis preferred browsers son Chrome18 & IE10, escogiendo al 3rd class citizen entre Maxthon3, PaleMoon x64, Rockmelt, Arora y Canary