@therightscoop When Sen Brown says the stimulus didn't create one new job does he mean in the private sector?
@1938media Yeah he seems smart. I just think twice when he hires personal chefs and shit for his staff, burning thru VC money. I like him
@1938media You are tight with Jason, has his mahalo started making any money back yet? I know he gives alot away with Mahalo Questions
@1938media "Today I went Hot Air Balooning!"
@1938media I know man. I am reminded of the Loic video you did when he is happy about getting 6 million. My god he is so fucked.
@kofikingston Welcome to the mid-card.
@1938media Oh I see now. Go read his archives, 95% of the tech startups and products he has gotten excited about did nothing.
@1938media Molecules? whats he been up to now?
@1938media You've only done 5 Loic puppet shows in the last 2 years :(
@1938media Why does Scoble have clothes but Shel is naked?
@SarahPalinUSA You have a microscopic brain.
@1938media I am getting shit from his fans for saying he is 275lbs. How do you put up with the hate?
@1938media Christ, Scoble is enormous. He may have already broken 275lbs.
@davewiner You guys over there need to sort this healthcare out. Ageing, fatter society is going to push those premiums sky-high.
@Scobleizer Did he get a low-skill job in the mean time like Mcdonalds ?
RT @mccall1: http://www.shadyurl.com/ "Don't just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening." Awesome.
@thurrott Nice article
@louisgray You took a freebie Sonos :( Leo Laporte doesn't accept free units so I now think less of you and your writing. Tainted.
@1938media Grab me a Scoble Special (4 big macs and large fries) please
Getting ready for TWiG with special guest @kevinmarks
@Veronica There is a bug in Buzz when people use Google Reader to share stories which prevents some users from commenting in Buzz :(
@trscoop Found this, it looks like they upload the show the next day here http://www.foxnews.com/oreilly...
@trscoop Thanks. I try not to watch live streams because american television has soooo many adverts :) I like the nice edited uploads hehe!
@trscoop Yeah its handy. I love Stossel, he is just so refreshingly straight about most things. Trying to find an O'rielly linkelsewhere.
@trscoop I make a youtube playlist of the Glen Beck show and watch every night here in england. Plan to start uploading Orielly Show?
@Scobleizer Lame, Pivot requires IE 8 or it won't install. Fail
@secondpower Prove to me you are NOT the second coming of Christ OR you are NOT the Yorkshire Ripper. It's impossible sometimes. heh.
@secondpower It's impossible to prove your NOT a socialist. Just like its impossible to prove you are NOT the Loch Ness monster.
@mikethemiz Nice promos recently; good intensity.
@davewiner My granny used to tell me snow was gods dandruff. and thunder was god clapping his hand. terrifying.