@WadeBarrett is money.
@1938media Lying under a 300lb man slobbing all over the poor girl while he is using his iphone to order a big greasy pizza
@1938media And don't forget @rackspace pays him $300,000 a year to be a drunken dope and produce videos of NOTHING
@1938media What I want to know is how this fucking pennyless russian dude "aqquired" that startup when he was 15 years old.
@AIannucci Audiences for those channels are too small, so it costs too much per listener relative to other stations
NOW, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life..
@1938media Oh god that picture. hahahahah
@1938media $3000 regular price? Three annual conferences: TC50, RealtimeCrunchUp and now this new one? No one clicks the banner ads i guess
@1938media Techcrunch are launching a second yealy startup Conference. Tickets are $1500 for early birds. Lol.
@1938media They don't break news any more. Other than Digg being bought by Google every 12 months or so
RT @al3x: If you had some of the nifty site features that we Twitter employees have, you might not want to use a desktop client. (You will soon.)
@davewiner The whole thing has been a commentary by God on the fact we expect something to happen after waiting for hours.
@1938media At least those 12 million bucks are beign well spent http://www.youtube.com/watch...
@kevinmarks is there a GG episode tonight?
On 12/12/2005 @davewiner said "People come back to places that send them away". It's still true half a decade later.
@HurricaneHelms You suck and are lucky to got 9 years worth of money from WWE.
@1938media Remember this? Why was Scoble giving money to Shel? http://friendfeed.com/1938med...
@1938media Shel has a new book coming called Blurring Boundaries http://redcouch.typepad.com/weblog...
@1938media http://www.1938media.com/shel-is... "SAP: Good with milk or water. This is Shel Israel for Slow Corporation"
RT @davewiner: Big change in the tech world. (Scripting News). http://www.scripting.com/stories...
@1938media I love you man and I love the fact you have personal security guards.
Hey Dave. Offtopic. You donated money to the democrats at the last election. In the scripting News archive October 11,… http://www.scripting.com/stories...
@davewiner Whitehouse.gov has a 480p 1.5mbit stream, nicer than C Span
RT @trscoop: TOTALLY AWESOME: Video: Rush Limbaugh spanks himself on the radio - http://www.therightscoop.com/video-r...
@1938media Come and sit on my knee, and let me tell you all about RSS my dear...
@trscoop Is he selling the full thing on DVD or something? Maybe he made the docu for financial reasons not journalistic reasons
@leolaporte Loren Feldman talks about you http://www.1938media.com/i-was-a...
@trscoop We know it created loads of those public sector jobs, but they are not worth much.
@trscoop When Sen Brown says the stimulus didn't create one new job does he mean in the private sector?
@therightscoop When Sen Brown says the stimulus didn't create one new job does he mean in the private sector?
@1938media Yeah he seems smart. I just think twice when he hires personal chefs and shit for his staff, burning thru VC money. I like him