This, and Google Maps are 2 more reasons to love 6+. “@Techmeme: Netflix now plays in 1080p on your iPhone 6 Plus”
Love the idea & the bit, cc: @jeffweiner RT @NewYorker: A scene from “Take Your Parents to Work” Day, by @atotalmonet
"Freedom is on the other side of discipline." - Jake Gyllenhaal, via @CharlieRoseShow
$2B now! Wow. “@Techmeme: Report: Uber Is Trying To Raise At Least $1 Billion With A Valuation Of Over $17 Billion”
True dat. Just ask Uber. RT @philo_quotes: "In war there is no prize for runner-up." - Seneca
Must read. Well crafted. “@bchesky: This is based on an unbelievable true story - Airbnb presents: Wall and Chain -”
Ditto. “@naveen: every time i go to turn my iphone 6 screen off, i end up toggling the volume up or volume down at the same time.”
I've had em. Totally worth it! “@rabois: @adamnash for tomatoes I am in.”
Outstanding! The attention to detail clearly shows. “@mmccue: @mariosundar love hearing that! We created our own font: Fakt Flipboard”
RT @bgurley: Thrilled that @benchmark is backing @jaykreps, @junrao, and @nehanarkhede and the entire team at Confluent!
In a world where the media demonizes AI & technology, nice to see Blomkamp (District 9) go the other way. @pmarca
Flipboard has just crushed it with its latest update. Hopelessly addicted to its structured data, mind blowing design and the font! @mmccue
Must-read by @karaswisher RT @gmc: Respect to @travisk for turning a simple prototype into a world-changing system :)
Trying faceted search on @Pinterest. Wow! This will power a whole new world of retail. #connectthedots cc: @8en
One of the biggest lessons @davidplouffe learned in politics: "Risk pays off." And he's trying that again at @Uber. I'm betting on him.
RT @davidplouffe: O Captain! My Captain!
All you need to know about @davidplouffe is in this interview. He's smart; a terrific general. @travisk did good.
RT @Uber: We're thrilled to announce that @DavidPlouffe is joining Uber as Senior Vice President of Policy and Strategy
Rockstar hire! “@Techmeme: Uber Hires Top Obama Adviser David Plouffe as New "Campaign Manager" (@karaswisher)”
really, @mailbox, we are still stuck with this beta coin crap! gimme a break. cc: @TechCrunch
RT @stevenjhsieh: Hedy Epstein, a 90 y.o. Holocaust survivor, was among the those arrested for blocking Nixon office bldg. #Ferguson
I get all of my world news from three journalists: @juliamacfarlane, @Sara__Firth and @rcallimachi. Yep, follow them.
Great pic. Game changer. “@kraneland: This. 10 years ago, today. A day I'll never forget... $GOOG”
RT @NicholsUprising: "...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
RT @connorratliff: Anyone out on the streets of #Ferguson "will be arrested" unless they are a cop who shot an unarmed man at least 6 times.
RT @joantouch: Shyp's @Mattermark score is off the charts (ok, on the top 100 chart - a great place to be!) @daniellemorrill
Yep, what Chris said... RT @rsarver: Great post by @sacca "A few thoughts on race, America, and our President"
RT @DavidSacks: Power law applies not just to investing but to operating. A few decisions will be 100X more important than usual. Key to spot these moments.
Impressed by the fervor, evangelism of @SlackHQ users. Here are some points of view.
RT @gruber: All this to protect one cop, Darren Wilson, who shot an unarmed boy 6 times, twice in the head.