Ryan - @magicofpi

Hmm, interested in graphic/web design, cool internet apps, video production, to say a few. Also on Twitter as @magicofpi.
RT @Lindzcook: This Ted Talk by a 12-year-old app developer is amazing: http://t.co/2EWu1XziV8 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @Lindzcook: This Ted Talk by a 12-year-old app developer is amazing: http://t.co/2EWu1XziV8 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: When did Amazon become a 14 ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
When did Amazon become a 14 yEaR oLd? http://t.co/t1jQiKsTaf - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @emmatangerine: why conservatives hate citibike so much, in one venn diagram http://t.co/tLz16Mt0r3 - http://nymag.com/daily...
RT @emmatangerine: why conservatives hate citibike so much, in one venn diagram http://t.co/tLz16Mt0r3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Can’t wait to read the State Department’s complaint letter. http://t.co/gXslwO13F3 - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news...
Can’t wait to read the State Department’s complaint letter. http://t.co/gXslwO13F3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Daring Fireball Linked List: Chicago Sun-Times Fires Entire Photo Staff, Will Train Reporters on 'iPhone Photography Basics' - http://daringfireball.net/linked...
"Makes no more sense than if they fired all their reporters and trained the photographers in 'news writing basics'." http://t.co/5MOrZci1VA - Ryan - @magicofpi
How Corporations Hijacked the First Amendment to Evade Regulation | New Republic - http://www.newrepublic.com/article...
Great, thorough article: "How corporations hijacked the First Amendment" http://t.co/URHhYWu60U - Ryan - @magicofpi
Everyone Secretly Hates “Snow Fall” | The Awl - http://www.theawl.com/2013...
"It's a shame that the Snow Fall model eclipsed the Nate Silver model in…the "future of journalism" crowd." http://t.co/NhRD4AlR07 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Amazon Indians use Google Earth, GPS to protect forest home - Print - http://print.news.mongabay.com/2006...
Amazon Indians use Google Earth, GPS to protect forest home - Print http://t.co/MQH1vEBdCk (via Instapaper) - Ryan - @magicofpi
Defying Naysayers, ‘Gatsby’ Proves a Box-Office Winner - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
The Great Gatsby “has become the latest example of the Hollywood machinery getting audience interest wrong.” http://t.co/wnnnmf7TUe - Ryan - @magicofpi
What Are Fathers For? - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/roomfor...
Fretting over the rise of female breadwinners, the NYT brings in a panel of experts to discuss the purpose of men: http://t.co/cfwW0zkZOW - Ryan - @magicofpi
New Government Documents Show the Sean Parker Wedding Is the Perfect Parable for Silicon Valley Excess - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
“Nothing says, ‘I love the Earth!’ quite like bringing bulldozers into an old-growth forest.” http://t.co/SflHzoCbyU - Ryan - @magicofpi
There’s no way to see the full text of the bill, though. http://t.co/nM7H6HqOLz - http://cosponsor.gov/details...
There’s no way to see the full text of the bill, though. http://t.co/nM7H6HqOLz - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @TaylorLorenz: You can now co-sponsor any bill or resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives via a Facebook app http://t… - http://www.adweek.com/news...
RT @TaylorLorenz: You can now co-sponsor any bill or resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives via a Facebook app http://t… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Secrets and Leaks - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
Bill Keller: "I think the Justice Department had ample reason to find these particular leaks troubling." http://t.co/dusATMEMhX - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: Of course there would be free ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
Of course there would be free UBERx rides when I’m not in Boston. http://t.co/lLrDfGv8C3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: One of these synonyms is not ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
One of these synonyms is not like the others... http://t.co/2kh1IfaoGh - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: One of these synonyms is not ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
One of these synonyms is not like the others... http://t.co/9XeaEVkt0y - Ryan - @magicofpi
Reuters Next — Gallery: Turkey's lady in red - http://preview.reuters.com/2013...
RT @AdrienneLB: Wow. MT @nycjim: Woman in Red update: Officer continued spraying as she turned away. Full photo sequence: http://t.co/9ghBo… - Ryan - @magicofpi
When Cicadas Fall in Love : The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/online...
"Long, protracted courtships are not uncommon." http://t.co/BEEf53Z452 - Ryan - @magicofpi
The New Baby-Name Anxiety - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
"As with great, undiscovered taquerias, word about the latest hot underground names spreads quickly." http://t.co/a7HmVpoU9r - Ryan - @magicofpi
Why Does the American Media Get Big Stories Wrong? - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/politic...
RT @AntDeRosa: Why does the American media get big stories wrong? http://t.co/VyJSDBq6NP - Ryan - @magicofpi
Valerie Jarrett: Be Flexible. Be Resilient. - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/valerie...
Valerie Jarrett: "You don't have to turn every one of life's injustices into a 'thing.'" http://t.co/YjDsLA2B7J - Ryan - @magicofpi
If This Cute Cheerios Ad Causes Drama, What Won't? : Code Switch : NPR - http://www.npr.org/blogs...
"Too many black folks, not enough black folks. How does a company market to anyone...when everyone is a critic?" http://t.co/bVhI9BtXhZ - Ryan - @magicofpi
Sabbath Gasbags, Speak Up - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
I could support the term "Sabbath gasbag." http://t.co/JbUy4cUmhe - Ryan - @magicofpi
I'm at The Doris Duke Theatre - @honolulumuseum for Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Tour (Honolulu, HI) http://t.co/w3W2OSyZXz - https://foursquare.com/magicof...
I'm at The Doris Duke Theatre - @honolulumuseum for Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Tour (Honolulu, HI) http://t.co/w3W2OSyZXz - Ryan - @magicofpi
‘Bulletproof,’ an indie film featuring disabled actors, continues a proud, if odd, tradition - Movies - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/arts...
"It’s all about making an awesome movie." | Unconventional film transcends its performers’ limitations http://t.co/olweEg12QI - Ryan - @magicofpi
Kids These Days - T Magazine - http://www.nytimes.com/interac...
RT @AntDeRosa: . @NYTimes 2010: Why are 20somethings so lazy? http://t.co/Bx6tcf9Ei5 @NYTimes 2013: Why are 20somethings so busy? http://t.… - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @cschweitz: John White on @SunTimes photographer layoffs: ‘It was as if they pushed a button and deleted a whole culture’ http://t.co/SL… - http://www.poynter.org/latest-...
RT @cschweitz: John White on @SunTimes photographer layoffs: ‘It was as if they pushed a button and deleted a whole culture’ http://t.co/SL… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Don't Hurry, Be Happy: Research Highlights Link Between Busy Lives And Bliss | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio - http://wamu.org/program...
The happiest Americans are usually busy—but “almost never feel rushed.” http://t.co/wVN7Mg9L1i - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: The biggest news from the new ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
The biggest news from the new Gmail announcement: Google doesn’t use the Oxford comma. http://t.co/UvMJ9ILToC - Ryan - @magicofpi
Elizabeth Kolbert: Obama’s Keystone Decision : The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/talk...
“If the arguments in favor of Keystone are persuasive, those against it are even stronger.” http://t.co/6XOYR9lJXa - Ryan - @magicofpi
With daily commute as muse, artist evokes hidden beauty of MBTA stations and routes - Metro - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro...
“Laura Meilman notices its vivid colors, clean lines, and defining details. In the MBTA, she sees a work of art.” http://t.co/x2t7y5g6c5 - Ryan - @magicofpi