Ryan - @magicofpi

Hmm, interested in graphic/web design, cool internet apps, video production, to say a few. Also on Twitter as @magicofpi.
US Gov't: PRISM Isn't Data Mining System, Doesn't Pull Data Off Servers - http://marketingland.com/clapper...
RT @dannysullivan: US Gov't: PRISM Isn't Data Mining System, Doesn't Pull Data Off Servers http://t.co/G2RAURuNDY now has statement & fact … - Ryan - @magicofpi
Mississippi's Governor Has Some Bad Ideas - The Daily Beast - http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...
"Of course arch-conservatives think social breakdown is caused by the abandonment of traditional gender roles." http://t.co/rmxxqPvb9o - Ryan - @magicofpi
‘Much Ado About Nothing,’ Directed by Joss Whedon - NYTimes.com - http://movies.nytimes.com/2013...
"Shakespeare is an eternal rebuke to modern spoiler sensitivity." http://t.co/nGqHpardin - Ryan - @magicofpi
When 'G' Movies Are For Kids, Do Kids Avoid 'G' Movies? : Monkey See : NPR - http://www.npr.org/blogs...
"The G represents a ghetto largely made up of nature films and animation." http://t.co/xfOVIPWBKf - Ryan - @magicofpi
Who Does the Ethicist Think He Is? | The Public Editor - NYTimes.com - http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2013...
No punches pulled with this headline: “Who Does the Ethicist Think He Is?” http://t.co/rbem1452Wh - Ryan - @magicofpi
Tech Companies, Bristling, Concede to Federal Surveillance Program - NYTimes.com - http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013...
The truth emerges: “at Google and Facebook, one of the plans discussed was to build separate, secure portals.” http://t.co/ogMZMEqkle - Ryan - @magicofpi
Forget Gold and Bitcoin: Kissing Is the New Currency - http://www.psmag.com/busines...
In an Australian cafe, you can pay for coffee by kissing your partner: http://t.co/HFhsbaFLM2 - Ryan - @magicofpi
HIV/AIDS Awareness Media in Cambodia by Kelly Kasulis - GoFundMe - http://www.gofundme.com/AIDSCAM...
RT @KellyKasulis: Help me #volunteer using #media #technology to combat the spread and stigma of #HIV/AIDS in Phnom Penh, #Cambodia. http:/… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: The comments are as, um, astute ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
The comments are as, um, astute as you might expect: http://t.co/Myh8HGBtSu - Ryan - @magicofpi
Stellar Wind (code name) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
“Many seemingly suspicious cases turned out to be food takeout orders”. http://t.co/SyLa9Bpyjq - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: Just in: @EmersonCollege is ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
Just in: @EmersonCollege is considering building a new multipurpose building at 1-6 Boylston Pl. http://t.co/xyAFc03xjE - Ryan - @magicofpi
Remember All Those Passwords? No Need - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
An optional $20/year for extra features—by a company with free apps—is a "steep charge" & not "customer-friendly"? http://t.co/8SReuKiP4B - Ryan - @magicofpi
A Guide to the Patriot Act, Part 1 - Slate Magazine - http://www.slate.com/article...
In 2003, we were outraged that the Patriot Act gave the government access to our library records: http://t.co/eBHa9gIxXx - Ryan - @magicofpi
Beautiful. RT @hawaii: Time-lapse of the famous sunrise at Haleakalā, House of the Sun (via Dan Douglas): http://t.co/ZKk2y4sPJ5 - http://vimeo.com/67834536
Beautiful. RT @hawaii: Time-lapse of the famous sunrise at Haleakalā, House of the Sun (via Dan Douglas): http://t.co/ZKk2y4sPJ5 - Ryan - @magicofpi
A brief history of the US government’s awful graphic design – Quartz - http://qz.com/91972...
One thing $20M doesn’t buy: good design. RT @zseward: A brief history of the US government’s awful graphic design http://t.co/b4CTxrRBsD - Ryan - @magicofpi
Great. “Dropbox, the cloud storage and synchronization service, is described as ‘coming soon.’” http://t.co/X1cRFN8UqH - http://www.washingtonpost.com/investi...
Great. “Dropbox, the cloud storage and synchronization service, is described as ‘coming soon.’” http://t.co/X1cRFN8UqH - Ryan - @magicofpi
Sean Parker Responds to Redwoods Wedding Criticism, and His Defense Is Actually Pretty Convincing - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
Read these two stories back-to-back: http://t.co/LTzwuCQl0g http://t.co/PM8ohR3zb1 - Ryan - @magicofpi
I don’t know, @thedailybeast—I don’t think I ever “demanded that our public servants do anything to make us safe.” http://t.co/zo9VZ6GDdO - http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...
I don’t know, @thedailybeast—I don’t think I ever “demanded that our public servants do anything to make us safe.” http://t.co/zo9VZ6GDdO - Ryan - @magicofpi
President Obama’s Dragnet - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Wow, NYT's editorial board: "The administration has now lost all credibility." http://t.co/DguT6kuaIT - Ryan - @magicofpi
A $5 app isn't expensive: Customers need to help fix the App Store economy | Macworld - http://www.macworld.com/article...
"You’re cheating yourself, all because we’ve become conditioned to feeling that $5 is a lot to spend on an app." http://t.co/9406nZyR9L - Ryan - @magicofpi
Esther Williams, Who Swam to Movie Fame, Dies at 91 - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
In a special on-set pool “nicknamed Pneumonia Alley, Ms. Williams ruptured her eardrums seven times.” http://t.co/aXCGSE0g47 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Rob Ford, Toronto Mayor, Singlehandedly Makes Canadian Politics Interesting Again | TIME.com - http://swampland.time.com/2013...
Toronto resident: "I’d much rather a crack addict" be mayor "than some Ivy League nepotist scum any day." http://t.co/bnTdmNmaEx - Ryan - @magicofpi
Can Going Vegetarian Help You Live Longer? Maybe : The Salt : NPR - http://www.npr.org/blogs...
A truthful headline. "Can Going Vegetarian Help You Live Longer? Maybe" http://t.co/pA2VmiF0KI - Ryan - @magicofpi
Go East, Young Marijuana Dealer : Planet Money : NPR - http://www.npr.org/blogs...
"With his New York customers, Chuck talks about marijuana like it's a rare California wine." http://t.co/jcSWY9S8wB - Ryan - @magicofpi
U.S. Is Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
One thing the NYT story adds: only business calls appear to fall under this particular court order. http://t.co/XWiczepqPs - Ryan - @magicofpi
A beautifully made short documentary, The Last Ice Merchant (which I just saw at @honolulumuseum): https://t.co/21nQvUH4k0 - http://vimeo.com/66507747
A beautifully made short documentary, The Last Ice Merchant (which I just saw at @honolulumuseum): https://t.co/21nQvUH4k0 - Ryan - @magicofpi
The Excel Spreadsheet Artist — Shawn Blanc - http://shawnblanc.net/2013...
RT @shawnblanc: The quintessential example that tools do not an artist make. http://t.co/NSCfqdzROD - Ryan - @magicofpi
Cambridge Struggles to Accept Marathon Bombing Link - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
“Maybe the acceptance to that blinds us to the fact that there may be more difficulty than people realize.” http://t.co/RYIKPPhSUq - Ryan - @magicofpi
The Macalope Weekly: Escalation strategies | Macworld - http://www.macworld.com/article...
"We’ll see how you can make an anti-Apple article with really no evidence at all!" http://t.co/QrwEfzq3yj - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @Lindzcook: This Ted Talk by a 12-year-old app developer is amazing: http://t.co/2EWu1XziV8 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @Lindzcook: This Ted Talk by a 12-year-old app developer is amazing: http://t.co/2EWu1XziV8 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: When did Amazon become a 14 ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
When did Amazon become a 14 yEaR oLd? http://t.co/t1jQiKsTaf - Ryan - @magicofpi