Ryan - @magicofpi

Hmm, interested in graphic/web design, cool internet apps, video production, to say a few. Also on Twitter as @magicofpi.
Zev Hoover’s fanciful visions become an Internet sensation - Lifestyle - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro...
"'Maybe a million people saw it,' said the slightly stunned Hoover, who is only 14." http://t.co/qAsqpl0bIZ - Ryan - @magicofpi
A poignant memorial that isn’t meant to last, in a city whose memory is strong - http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro...
"Boston has many failings. Forgetting has never been one of them." http://t.co/kFeU2VURXj - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @AdrienneLaF: Karate > sharks http://t.co/EmRIXvR5QX - http://www.kitv.com/news...
RT @AdrienneLaF: Karate > sharks http://t.co/EmRIXvR5QX - Ryan - @magicofpi
Video by magicofpi • Instagram - http://instagram.com/p...
Going up the Metrocable @ METRO - Estacion Acevedo http://t.co/YpaJSFBIoL - Ryan - @magicofpi
Meet The Hero Of The Marriage Equality Movement - http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisge...
Edith Windsor: "I’m not skeptical…I trust the Constitution. Sometimes there’s a mistake, but mostly we move forward." http://t.co/MVDzZL5tfT - Ryan - @magicofpi
Why Men Hate It When Women Cry | NOM Blog - http://www.nomblog.com/3583
"Prop Gr8"…"The battle is the Lord's and His Kingdom come"…"force [America] into this new regime of marriage" http://t.co/OS1DOsgjYG - Ryan - @magicofpi
How ironic that Scalia decried the court's overreach and its "exalted notion" of its role http://t.co/1C6XOlyVMz - http://cir.ca/story...
How ironic that Scalia decried the court's overreach and its "exalted notion" of its role http://t.co/1C6XOlyVMz - Ryan - @magicofpi
Fork and knife use: Americans need to stop cutting and switching. - http://mobile.slate.com/article...
As a left-handed person, I've never even considered doing the "cut-and-switch." http://t.co/yEEsaVpzaa - Ryan - @magicofpi
Is There Any Point to the 12 Times Table? « Wolfram Blog - http://blog.wolfram.com/2013...
RT @pbump: You basically only need to learn multiplication tables up to 7. http://t.co/kk2rhHDlqz - Ryan - @magicofpi
Court ruling triggers debate on fairness of unpaid internships - Business - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/busines...
Here's a shocking ruling: People who do work deserve to be paid (regardless of being called an "intern"). http://t.co/NC0fHGWnl3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
CIA cracks down on its own to stop leaks - http://bigstory.ap.org/article...
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: When will they begin the CIA leak investigation into who leaked the CIA memo about the CIA leak investigation? http://t… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Surprise of the day. RT @latimestech: Facebook lights up with reaction to high court gay marriage rulings http://t.co/q4Nbp0L1nL - http://www.latimes.com/busines...
Surprise of the day. RT @latimestech: Facebook lights up with reaction to high court gay marriage rulings http://t.co/q4Nbp0L1nL - Ryan - @magicofpi
Why did networks fail at covering Wendy Davis's epic abortion bill filibuster in Texas? | The Verge - http://www.theverge.com/2013...
RT @AntDeRosa: Why did networks fail at covering Wendy Davis’s epic abortion bill filibuster in Texas? http://t.co/WX7C6n5Lmf - Ryan - @magicofpi
Why Publishers Should Ban Slideshows | Digiday - http://www.digiday.com/publish...
RT @jtuohey21: From @Buzzfeed VP: Why publishers should ban slideshows. http://t.co/tl4VCrRaLO? - Ryan - @magicofpi
The newest product in Japan: Pepsi-flavored Cheetos http://t.co/XvH8FqmWQh (See also: China's Pepsi-flavored Lays http://t.co/vvY0sTSaCL) - http://kotaku.com/5968082...
The newest product in Japan: Pepsi-flavored Cheetos http://t.co/XvH8FqmWQh (See also: China's Pepsi-flavored Lays http://t.co/vvY0sTSaCL) - Ryan - @magicofpi
J-blip: Pepsi-flavored Cheetos | Japan Pulse - http://blog.japantimes.co.jp/japan-p...
The newest product in Japan: Pepsi-flavored Cheetos http://t.co/XvH8FqmWQh (See also: China's Pepsi-flavored Lays http://t.co/vvY0sTSaCL) - Ryan - @magicofpi
Honolulu Could Kickstart Response to Urban Homelessness - Honolulu Civil Beat - http://www.civilbeat.com/article...
Neat, I wanted to launch something similar: http://t.co/JjgjUp3AVl MT @ericpape: Can crowdfunding solve homelessness? http://t.co/6H2NnBaoZj - Ryan - @magicofpi
Hale Hawaii : Coming Soon - http://halehawaii.ryancatalani.com/
Neat, I wanted to launch something similar: http://t.co/JjgjUp3AVl MT @ericpape: Can crowdfunding solve homelessness? http://t.co/6H2NnBaoZj - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: How is this @qz “news” ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
How is this @qz “news” story anything but free PR? http://t.co/rG8cslfgSk - Ryan - @magicofpi
Moderate in Iranian Election Leads in Initial Returns - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei: "To hell with you if you do not believe in our election." http://t.co/RYTKW9h7LX - Ryan - @magicofpi
Think US snooping is bad? Try Italy, India or…Canada – Quartz - http://qz.com/92648...
"Compared to the data-mining that goes on elsewhere, US intelligence agencies may be relatively constrained." http://t.co/ZHTTDzpUgH - Ryan - @magicofpi
How I Survived A Week Without Food | Popular Science - http://www.popsci.com/science...
What a narrow perspective. "Food just seems to pop up, like this obnoxious biological need that I need to get rid of" http://t.co/p5GH0v1auL - Ryan - @magicofpi
Spicy Food Tolerance in the Genes | Nature vs. Nurture | Popular Science - http://www.popsci.com/science...
"If you like your food spicy, you’re getting a thrill from what is technically a painful sensation." http://t.co/XZJ7rRbCFs - Ryan - @magicofpi
I think this critique is better leveled at the current discourse around the iOS 7 design, not the design itself: http://t.co/k2c8MbzHU0 - http://www.wired.com/opinion...
I think this critique is better leveled at the current discourse around the iOS 7 design, not the design itself: http://t.co/k2c8MbzHU0 - Ryan - @magicofpi
I wonder if sales of The Trial have also jumped. http://t.co/7N1nKgIglu - http://blogs.wsj.com/law...
I wonder if sales of The Trial have also jumped. http://t.co/7N1nKgIglu - Ryan - @magicofpi
Maybe the NYT just got confused with Sobo, the premium craft and fabric glue. http://t.co/vKMFlmMcdT - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CcJqQO...
Maybe the NYT just got confused with Sobo, the premium craft and fabric glue. http://t.co/vKMFlmMcdT - Ryan - @magicofpi
Boston Strong students donate $894K | Emerson College - http://www.emerson.edu/news-ev...
RT @danobrien155: Wrap-up of last night's #BostonStrong event for http://t.co/xNNcga3QRO @EmersonCollege http://t.co/jQMolEzPjf - Ryan - @magicofpi
Emerson College - http://www.emerson.edu/
RT @danobrien155: Wrap-up of last night's #BostonStrong event for http://t.co/xNNcga3QRO @EmersonCollege http://t.co/jQMolEzPjf - Ryan - @magicofpi
Study: Even for drop-outs, college pays - The Denver Post - http://www.denverpost.com/nationa...
Good news for college dropouts: Some college, it turns out, is still better than none http://t.co/M7e879NzXH - Ryan - @magicofpi
Matt Gemmell Compares iOS 7 To iOS 6 - http://www.macstories.net/linked...
RT @macstoriesnet: Matt Gemmell Compares iOS 7 To iOS 6 http://t.co/8XVFNhwHru - Ryan - @magicofpi
Book Covers: Before and After - Slide Show - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/slidesh...
Four designers discuss their work on recent book covers: http://t.co/StdHys1GZ5 - Ryan - @magicofpi