Ryan - @magicofpi

Hmm, interested in graphic/web design, cool internet apps, video production, to say a few. Also on Twitter as @magicofpi.
This Picture Says Just About Everything About Bustle - Rebecca Greenfield - The Atlantic Wire - http://www.theatlanticwire.com/technol...
This is just a perfect portrait. http://t.co/fF6ySSAiqk - Ryan - @magicofpi
"If you were a shark and you found yourself flying through the air, wouldn’t you keep biting?" http://t.co/nd6fa8yToo - http://io9.com/we-aske...
"If you were a shark and you found yourself flying through the air, wouldn’t you keep biting?" http://t.co/nd6fa8yToo - Ryan - @magicofpi
Pedal Power To Horsepower: Toys Point Toward Future Of Cars : Monkey See : NPR - http://www.npr.org/blogs...
"To find out about the future of the auto industry, there's no better place to start than at a playground." http://t.co/e1hbrGb7Xx - Ryan - @magicofpi
"Instead, Thomas says her favorite preferred sociopathic pastime is 'ruining people.'" http://t.co/0Wh4UFHdbb - http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...
"Instead, Thomas says her favorite preferred sociopathic pastime is 'ruining people.'" http://t.co/0Wh4UFHdbb - Ryan - @magicofpi
@tayyconnz This seems like a movie you’d really want to watch. http://t.co/Qqb2ANGpdS - http://www.syfy.com/videos...
@tayyconnz This seems like a movie you’d really want to watch. http://t.co/Qqb2ANGpdS - Ryan - @magicofpi
Young entrepreneur creates high-end, cold-brew iced tea - Food & dining - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/lifesty...
The Globe profiles an @EmersonCollege alum entrepreneur, @evychen: http://t.co/dWaLVijkGu - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @AdrienneLaF: NSA slide "obtained by The Washington Post and published here for the first time lists 'Two Types of Collection.'" http://… - http://www.washingtonpost.com/busines...
RT @AdrienneLaF: NSA slide "obtained by The Washington Post and published here for the first time lists 'Two Types of Collection.'" http://… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Paul Ryan fishes for laughs with tweet - Patrick Gavin - POLITICO.com - http://www.politico.com/story...
Somehow, I missed this photo of Paul Ryan kissing a fish. http://t.co/CVtdtWSzwG - Ryan - @magicofpi
Why public libraries should follow Chicago’s lead and build maker labs — Tech News and Analysis - http://gigaom.com/2013...
Why public libraries should follow Chicago’s lead and build maker labs http://t.co/KTOVX92X6P - Ryan - @magicofpi
The Real Story of Benghazi, a “Landscape Littered with Murders and Betrayals” | Vanity Fair - http://m.vanityfair.com/politic...
The Real Story of Benghazi, a “Landscape Littered with Murders and Betrayals” | Vanity Fair http://t.co/FUjPe8oeBl (via Instapaper) - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: “When it’s time to leave, ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
“When it’s time to leave, Call Steve.” http://t.co/QHCAobRueu - Ryan - @magicofpi
There are no journalists — BuzzMachine - http://buzzmachine.com/2013...
"There are no journalists, there is only the service of journalism." http://t.co/vIyG5MedAn - Ryan - @magicofpi
The Strip | By Brian McFadden - Slide Show - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/slidesh...
Enroll today in: Journalism Summer Camp! http://t.co/1xvTm7yYW8 - Ryan - @magicofpi
"Yes, that's right — in this film, the Lone Ranger's mask is made of White Guilt." http://t.co/lpTbLijk0O - http://io9.com/lone-ra...
"Yes, that's right — in this film, the Lone Ranger's mask is made of White Guilt." http://t.co/lpTbLijk0O - Ryan - @magicofpi
Ezra Klein's Case Against Getting Your News From Twitter - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
"I really try not to get my news from Twitter…it's absolutely chewed over into cud by the time you get there." http://t.co/AJdoXgddr3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
"A rising wind raises all rideshare helicopters—or so the pixel Pollyannas of the Valley would have you think." http://t.co/MkHAHqUeJR - http://valleywag.gawker.com/there-a...
"A rising wind raises all rideshare helicopters—or so the pixel Pollyannas of the Valley would have you think." http://t.co/MkHAHqUeJR - Ryan - @magicofpi
"We’re less smart when we turn taboo enforcement into implacable witch hunting, which is not thought but sport." http://t.co/TIehHGETmS - http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...
"We’re less smart when we turn taboo enforcement into implacable witch hunting, which is not thought but sport." http://t.co/TIehHGETmS - Ryan - @magicofpi
A Hawaii man was arrested for using not one, but two samurai swords to threaten a couple http://t.co/UY2DlGk9wj - http://www.staradvertiser.com/news...
A Hawaii man was arrested for using not one, but two samurai swords to threaten a couple http://t.co/UY2DlGk9wj - Ryan - @magicofpi
A New Wave of Women’s Pages — LadyBits on Medium — Medium - https://medium.com/ladybit...
"There is a gigantic difference between siloing off women…and elevating them through a thoughtful platform." https://t.co/TIo2coMBsI - Ryan - @magicofpi
Is Cake Art? — Medium - https://medium.com/p...
"But how do you make Buckminster Fuller into a cake?" https://t.co/864tIhv29Q - Ryan - @magicofpi
"You laugh and turn to run, thinking the modern-day velociraptor will be easily distanced. You’re wrong." http://t.co/FzwHlaG6tP - http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor...
"You laugh and turn to run, thinking the modern-day velociraptor will be easily distanced. You’re wrong." http://t.co/FzwHlaG6tP - Ryan - @magicofpi
Fuck for Forest Documentary Sees Failure in Carnal Idealism - SPIEGEL ONLINE - http://www.spiegel.de/interna...
"For €12 a month…users can feel like they are saving the rainforests and buying porn in good conscience." http://t.co/CQvjuzzJPq - Ryan - @magicofpi
Judge Who Struck Down Proposition 8 Knew Case Would Go Far : NPR - http://www.npr.org/2013...
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Fascinating read from @NinaTotenberg on the judge who initially struck down Prop 8. http://t.co/luiNS5OBC2 - Ryan - @magicofpi
The Calorie-Packed Perk - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...&
"Asked where he draws the line between 'productive perk' and 'wanton decadence'…His answer: Well, he doesn’t." http://t.co/BzD0x6lLST - Ryan - @magicofpi
Emerson College Construction | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Recent photos of the @EmersonCollege Hollywood campus construction: http://t.co/r3rK5Ohldt http://t.co/ZRuse2UL2I - Ryan - @magicofpi
Drive-by Morphosis | News | Archinect - http://archinect.com/news...
Recent photos of the @EmersonCollege Hollywood campus construction: http://t.co/r3rK5Ohldt http://t.co/ZRuse2UL2I - Ryan - @magicofpi
Medway hunts for time capsule buried in ’63 - Metro - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro...
RT @HeyRatty: story of the day >>> the town of Medway can't find the time capsule they buried in 1963 http://t.co/yROPxDhW8O via @BostonGlo… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Save My Blockbuster! - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/interac...
This is an awesome @nytimes project: Hollywood experts critique a summer movie pitch, "Red, White & Blood" http://t.co/CMyUz9mCsc - Ryan - @magicofpi
Zev Hoover’s fanciful visions become an Internet sensation - Lifestyle - The Boston Globe - http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro...
"'Maybe a million people saw it,' said the slightly stunned Hoover, who is only 14." http://t.co/qAsqpl0bIZ - Ryan - @magicofpi
A poignant memorial that isn’t meant to last, in a city whose memory is strong - http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro...
"Boston has many failings. Forgetting has never been one of them." http://t.co/kFeU2VURXj - Ryan - @magicofpi