Kevin L

Why should I interest you? I'm a guitar-playing, world-traveling, equation-solving, genuinely nice guy.
Must be haircut night
Hi guys!
Hello! - LB ❤s FF
It's still the best site. Even buggy and slowly falling apart. As long as it's slow. - Spidra Webster
Prosperity Gospel – A Brief Allegory -
The "Imaginary Hobgoblin" of Income Inequality -
YES! There is no inequality crisis! "The Gini coefficient [a measure of income INequality] for full-time workers increased [that is, became less "equal"] gradually through the 1960s, 1970, 1980s, and then stabilized in the mid-1990s (after rising from 34% in 1967 to 39.5% in 1994, see top chart) and hasn't changed at all in the sixteen-year period from 1994 (39.5%) to 2010 (39.7%)." - Kevin L
The Inversion of America’s Dominant Ideology | The Beacon -
"I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people." - Grover Cleveland, 1887 - Kevin L
A couple of Krugman howlers - http://krugman-in-wonderland.b...
"...Keynesians see only aggregates and that GDP making bombs is as good as GDP making bread. Frankly, I'd rather eat bread." - Kevin L
Before He Delivered For Voters, Paul Delivered Babies : NPR -
Ron Paul doesn't just talk his ideas -- he's lived them, for a long time. - Kevin L
Richard Epstein on Income Equality -
In Terms of Jobs, Solar Energy Lacks Power - -
E-PARASITE Bill: 'The End Of The Internet As We Know It' -
Paul Krugman in a Nutshell -
Mark Perry on Income Differences -
House Trying To Rush Through Its Version Of PROTECT IP; Tech Industry Asks Why? -
Economics of NYC taxi medallions -
Bigger bribes? - Kevin L
Beware of Media Selection Bias, Sensationalism -
I humbly refer you to Mr. Henley's "Dirty Laundry" for further cultural critique. - Kevin L
Quotation of the Day… -
Horwitz on the Financial Crisis and Recession -
I'm a sucker for analogies, like this one from this letter: "If all the traffic lights in Watertown were stuck on green, we’d hardly blame the drivers for the ensuing accidents. When government distorts the signals and incentives facing producers and consumers, the blame for the resulting disaster should fall on government not the private sector. " - Kevin L
OWS Crowd: Want a High-Paying Job? Move to North Dakota Where They Have a Labor Shortage -
Only for a short time drilling gas and oil wells. Very dangerous and you might end up drinking contaminated water. - Jim
"It began, as it so often does, with a drum circle" -
The Rust Belt Comes Back to Life: Shale Gas Revolution Could Bring 200,000 Jobs to Ohio -
New at Reason: Shikha Dalmia on Harry Reid’s Class Warfare -
"For Democrats, millionaires are the new Gypsies—a minority whom it is perfectly acceptable to persecute because its wealth is allegedly ill-gotten, not the product of hard work." This! - Kevin L
Free Justin Bieber: Do We Really Want Congress To Make Bieber A Felon? -
“Nebraska Supreme Court: No DUI in a Private Driveway” -
We needed a STATE SUPREME COURT to clarify this? - Kevin L
Prosperity Gospel – A Brief Allegory -
Nobody to do the Picking -
Where are all the agricultural primitivists? Guess they don't want to leave the metro areas they hate so much. - Kevin L
Can We Just Admit That It's Insane When Microsoft Has A 'Licensing Program' For Someone Else's Products? -
US Citizen Facing 15 Years In Jail For Linking From His Blog To An Unauthorized Bio Of Thai King -
EU directive on kids, balloons and other toys -
Quotation of the Day… -
How Walmart and the Retail Lobby Used Regulatory Robbery to Squeeze Banks, Consumers -