Paul Kinlan

Developing innovative voice solutions. I am the creator of Twollo and FriendDeck, one of the creators of Twe2 and Vooices. I am helping out on Amplifeeder
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"With respect, your arguments are not valid. It's fine though, you just wont be able to use this or newer features and I am happy for the users that it won't be offered on your site. With more and more advanced features we need to increase user trust and verifiability on the web, not decrease it. By not offering your site up on https there is no way to say that you are not being man-in-the-middle attacked and someone is injecting these advanced features in to your site." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on Increasing engagement with Web App install banners (Chrome/Android) -
"I believe that's my face.... Thanks for pointing it out" - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"Because if a lot of people do it, it is a sign that something is wrong." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on New Push APIs for Chrome -
"> They're just an open http conneciton. That is exactly why it is a massive battery drain. Anything that keeps the network or radio awake is the drain on the battery, especially on any device that is not 100% plugged in to mains power - in this case it has very little to do with keeping the browser awake. The other thing, only maintaining that single http connection scaled across 10's of thousands of users is a massive drain on your own infrastructure. Mobile solved this along time ago with their push frameworks." - Paul Kinlan
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"Just search for it. Go Daddy has 3.99 certs, Start SSL ( offers them for free. This aversion to SSL and thinking it is expensive has to stop. Heck, you can even use or Google AppEngine and get free SSL there" - Paul Kinlan
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"You can get SSL certificates for free. Most of the web costs money for hosting too, so I think your argument here is flawed." - Paul Kinlan
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"Chrome OS has some of the functionality in but right this minute it doesn't prompt in the same way (it should). iOS.... well, that's interesting - in this case there is not a lot we can do due to Apple's restrictions." - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"Disabling the notification's via Site settings is a strong signal." - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"That is the exact point, we have heard from many users and developers that they don't want to have to create an app just to re-engage with the user. There is no difference at that point, app install or notification grant are the same thing: opted in and controlled by the user." - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"There are lots of Heuristics that Chrome can use to monitor this if needs be, for example if a site is always getting blocked by users this theoretically could be fed back into a system that prevents the site from requesting or sending notifications." - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"That might not be the best user experience, however if you want to implement this read:" - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"It will stay dead, that is the point of Service Worker. Read the article." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on New Push APIs for Chrome -
"Web-sockets are a massive battery drain when used continuously. This API will come to more browsers, it is already on all Platforms Chrome is on (apart from iOS)." - Paul Kinlan
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"No. We are controlling the experience so the site can't spam you and it will only reappear when we believe you are actively re-engaging with the experience." - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"You have to opt into receive push notifications from each site that wants to offer the service, the site has to be on SSL and you have full control over which sites can send you notifications." - Paul Kinlan
Re: The latest Chrome Beta adds support for push notifications from websites -
"Mozilla are also implementing this spec." - Paul Kinlan
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"Not sure what you mean? We do want the entire web to be using SSL." - Paul Kinlan
Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"Good question. Right now you have to encode a ?launched or something similar as your launch URL and then use that to monitior traffic. In the future we also want a Media Query and hopefully JS API that you could use to then trigger your analytics." - Paul Kinlan
Re: Detecting injected content from third-parties on your site -
"If you can't trust the CA store and the CA chain, then you cant mitigate those attacks. Right?" - Paul Kinlan
Kim Jong-Un is pretty much just a first grader on a field trip -
Kinlan on 100/100 Google Pagespeed Insights w/ Google Analytics -
"Because a css request blocks the render of the screen until it downloads. Browsers have a lookahead parser which continues to parse the page and fetch other resources to speed the rendering and load page time so you can get away with having resources not in the head, or even downloaded asynchronously (using a tiny piece of JS) The guidance about critical render path and css is the best place to start and I encourage you to read it to learn about what happens in the browser and why the guidance exists. The guidance that psi gives is designed to stop you making a blocking request for content that appears at the top of the acreen. (Or in the first screens worth of content) this has been shown to speed up the initial display of content." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on 100/100 Google Pagespeed Insights w/ Google Analytics -
"I worked on this project with the team (I helped define the UX rules), I can say that we as a team dont tell people you must get 100/100, your goals is to get over 80ish. If you get over 90 you are doing incredibly well. We advise that you use this tool and aiming for a speed index of sub 1000 (sub 2000 a lot better than most sites iirc) I think there are other things you can spend your time on that are more impactful than aiming to increase your score 1 point. I suppose my point is, use a suite of tools and make educated changes based off the advice but small incremental improvements are not always worth it." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on Liverpool becomes the first city in the UK to be fully 3D mapped in Google Earth! Plus careers with Google in Liverpool! -
"It never existed." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on No Liverpool Office for Google [Liverpool Echo] -
"commits. heh. we were too agile for source control iirc when I was there... well until the day I left and I had to check it all into github." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on No Liverpool Office for Google [Liverpool Echo] -
"I would like to say the same for your username, but I know of a lot of anon's but not who they are :) I can't even make a guess based of your comment history." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on TIL: Pick color with an eye dropper straight from Dev Tools -
"> es rgb by default, any idea how to make it use Hex Go to the settings cog in extension and change it from there." - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on TIL: Pick color with an eye dropper straight from Dev Tools -
"Yeah it has, I only just noticed it" - Paul Kinlan
Re: Hacking the Tweet Stream with Cliptext -
"Glad my blog post helped" - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on Liverpool becomes the first city in the UK to be fully 3D mapped in Google Earth! Plus careers with Google in Liverpool! -
"The cheap train and a cheap hotel (easyHotel works a charm)" - Paul Kinlan
Kinlan on Liverpool becomes the first city in the UK to be fully 3D mapped in Google Earth! Plus careers with Google in Liverpool! -
"Don't get me wrong, I would love my office to be closer to home...." - Paul Kinlan