Jing ®

The level of mainlandphobia https://t.co/ITUIvG35v4
RT @AsianRailroader: China?! This guy literally just described the West/United States... https://t.co/37ubGM5I0F
RT @AsianRailroader: China?! This guy literally just described the West/United States... https://t.co/37ubGM5I0F
Now they remembered their Kurdish allies... 😂 https://t.co/6EvxcwJSs8
Well well, it’s time for the US and UK current administration and parliament to respect people’s will and embrace d… https://t.co/NKjWvMzCy0
RT @OmidShokoohi: All we needed was an uncultured baboon-faced thug threatening us and our culture. Let’s tweet storm our favourite Iranian…
RT @AtiehS: All we needed was an uncultured baboon-faced thug threatening us and our culture.. https://t.co/c4cXl1jX2D
RT @Mikel_Jollett: For those of you who didn’t live through the invasion of Iraq, here is what is about to happen: 1. There will be a MASS…
Today is the 3rd day of the year, already I feel our world is screwed. A glimpse into a gloomy future. 🙄
RT @antonhowes: It's sometimes said that people living through the Industrial Revolution didn't quite notice it. But nothing could be furth…
RT @FT: Qassem Soleimani, Iranian military commander, 1959-2020 https://t.co/8TMNTWfr4O
RT @tnewtondunn: I understand Boris Johnson was given no forewarning about the Soleimani strike from Donald Trump, despite significant UK i…
RT @CNS1952: 台軍方稍早宣布,空軍黑鷹直升機墜機事故,人員狀況已經確認:全機13人,包括“參謀總長”沈一鳴與三位機組員,共有8人死亡,5人生還。 https://t.co/9SvHDfXkWQ
青春京剧社,看得我笑出猪叫 😂 父亲算半个业余票友,天天在家里咿咿呀呀,感觉应该他去看这个,从基础学起。不管效果如何,有心做这样一档面向青少年的文化类娱乐节目是真不容易了。
RT @xiaqiu: 说起来这个号本来就是要兼顾推一下我新开的网上小店,不过去年末俩月工作忙得够呛,一直没顾得上,也是因为有点懒不够上心…… 以后会逐渐偶尔发点宣传推,大家随便看看就是。当然更欢迎关注公众号,基本原创文码字中。 新年庆贺,最近全店所有茶都有折扣,领券后更优惠~…
某人形容2019 英国:叽叽叽叽叽 美国:突突突突突 中国:干干干干干 俄国:爽爽爽爽爽 🧐😂
RT @AdamWagner1: Today the right to enter into a civil partnership will apply to all adults in the UK, thanks to a human rights case brough…
原来还能这么玩... https://t.co/MntS7dZDOQ
RT @BuildSoil: "In the Hieronymuss Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" painting there is some music written on the butt of one of the…
RT @DamienKempf: New Year’s Resolutions: 1) Read more books https://t.co/N411caQfHs
RT @AJENews: BREAKING: Hundreds of Iraqi protesters attempt to storm the US Embassy in Baghdad after US airstrikes on the Shia armed group…
难道现在每天上推就变成来看沙雕新闻的吗? #新的一年追问人生意义
but tweet from iPhone... 😂🤣 https://t.co/QzeWpQT0SA
RT @pamela_herd: The 19th century logic for compulsory education was that we needed educated citizens in a healthy functioning democracy. T…
RT @Number10cat: Sounds like paradise but is anything but; my heart goes out to these cats and the people who care for them https://t.co/vK
RT @FinancialTimes: Monzo, the UK digital bank, is weeks away from raising fresh funds of between £50m and £100m in a deal that could prece…
RT @PickardJE: an actual wtf economics story: Almost half of UK homeowners’ housing wealth is concentrated in the hands of the over-65s, i…