"ingen är intresserad av en konflikt utanför Stockholm vi kräver att Ukraina & Ryssland flyttar konflikt -> Lidingö"
RT @segphault: Let’s start describing NSA’s activities as “state-sponsored cyberterrorism” because that’s what the US would call it if anybody else did it.
Om man skulle slå på stort och gå och lägga sig
OK, OK,the pitch-black background of @Flickr is a bit too dark for my taste … but todays flickr is a bit too plain:D
The result of #TableTopDay? Two new games are in the house
First @OmniFocus impression (after 2 min): it's not as "heavy" as before, light and much better overview.
Amused that the current top feature of Gmail seem to be the selfie thing.
Personally I trust those who expresses some doubt in their solution and discusses potential problems
There are so many people on the internet who knows the right way to program, design, make money, etc but interestingly they do not agree
RT @Alby: The rarely spotted HDMI-to-Hozelock adaptor:
Can someone explain it works: When I delete an app from an iOS device, what does get deleted besides the app? Preferences?
RT @skolvaren: “@emergelab: Education?” Eller?
Every Single Gmail Message You Send Will Now Be Encrypted - OK, but it will still be "read" by Google, right?
Ehhhh, va??? Förstår inte logiken här
RT @stiftelsen: Året var 1993 och Statskontoret tyckte att det skulle heta elpost! Bidrag till vårt #Internetmusem-projekt
Vojne jag följer en TV kändis … @NorthWiz
RT @tomdale: Actually the hardest unsolved problem in computer science is everyone getting into the office by 10am.
Installed OneNote OS X and first first reaction was “yikes, what did they do to that toolbar”
RT @Britanniacomms: English baker baked scarily realistic yellow python cake for daughter's birthday. crt Uberfacts #nature #travel
Soon spring The spring sun is starting to show up
RT @kelter: Seems like Markdown editors are the new Twitter clients. :) Keep em coming - I'll be using BBEdit.
RT @mcelhearn: Geez. RT @chartier “Hi, we reach 13 million readers but we can’t afford to pay you for your work.” - @TheAtlantic