James Hull

Character animator severely interested in the art of storytelling -- http://storyfanatic.com
RT @nevesytrof: Oh my god. This is how Jupiter shields the inner planets from the asteroid belt. https://twitter.com/nevesyt...
Tales of a Dramatica success story and what it means for the skeptics. #screenwriting http://narrativefirst.com/article...
RT @KerryLauerman: Remarkable shot of a bomb just about to fall in Gaza http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs... https://twitter.com/KerryLa...
So, contrary to popular belief Structure is Not What Happens When #Screenwriting http://narrativefirst.com/article...
““How Long Have you Lived, Doctor? [Infographic]” – Geeks are Sexy Technology News – http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2014... https://twitter.com/jameshu...
Amazing interview on electrocuting the mind into expert mode! https://overcast.fm/podcast...
Story got you down? Check out this #screenwriting series on “Practical Dramatica”. Makes sense of the complex theory. http://narrativefirst.com/article...
Middle class 2014 20% less wealth than 1984. https://t.co/BKD8lv79CM
RT @Astro_Alex: My saddest photo yet. From #ISS we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over #Gaza & #Israel https://twitter.com/Astro_A...
RT @mike_matas: We met this 115 year old man living with his great grand daughter on a small passion fruit plantation in Peru. https://twitter.com/mike_ma...
The 3rd and final chapter of my Practical Dramatica series. Put story theory to work on improving your #screenwriting http://narrativefirst.com/article...
Hard Days Night 50th with a bunch of rabid Beatles fans (my girlfriend being one of them) http://instagram.com/p...
RT @DavidKenner: I'd just like to point out that Islamic Front military chief Zahran Alloush uses a Hello Kitty notebook. https://twitter.com/catesis...
RT @matthillco: Alien: Isolation on Oculus Rift is "A nerve-jangling brownquake of bowel-loosening terror." Excellent. http://www.stuff.tv/e3-2014...
RT @benjiaflalo: Selfies on Instagram divided by dreams accomplished is a better way of rating women than the 1-10 thing.
RT @TheFMLs: This person deserves an A+ https://twitter.com/TheFMLs...
RT @Hicksdesign: The new series of Dr Who starts August 23rd. In the summer holidays! Wonder if anywhere in Chicago is showing it on a big screen? :)
RT @jackmcdade: “I learned never to empty the well of my writing...but to let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.” - Ernest Hemingway
Hey #HBOGO I miss Game of Thrones already! Listen to the whole thing for full effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch...
New Dramatica workshop exercises for figuring out your Main Character! #screenwriting http://narrativefirst.com/article...
New WRT1900AC screams from every corner of the house. Incredible tangible difference.
Interested in a practical application of Dramatica #screenwriting theory? Here's the latest about the Crucial Element http://narrativefirst.com/article...
Holy shit! I just heard Steve Perry sing live in person and it sounded fucking amazing!!!!
RT @Hicksdesign: I’m sure you’ve all seen this post by @zeldman (http://www.zeldman.com/2014...) but just in case you haven’t… #663399Becca
Listening to the Inception soundtrack while working 200ft. from train tracks is an entirely new experience!
RT @ProlostApps: Storyboard Fountain (beta) Add storyboards to your Fountain screenplay. Looks very nice! http://storyboardfountain.com
Another weekend of teaching Dramatica story structure. Already thinking of ways to improve the next in Sept. http://narrativefirst.com/learn
RT @johnroderick: Good leaping jellybeans, Carl Sagan could see into the future. https://twitter.com/Chernyn...
RT @bobbypodesta: AWESOME: Ever Wished That Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson Would Return to the Comics Page? http://stephanpastis.wordpress.com/2014...