TIL that if a surface-to-air missile launch was detected, the standard evasive action for an SR-71 Blackbird was... http://t.co/BcKqyWSo
It is almost 2012 and we still don't have printers that can successfully cancel jobs.: submitted by ilylollersk... http://t.co/hSEU1BcI
RT @brainpicker: "When Feynman faces a problem, he’s unusually good at going back to being like a child." BBC's No Ordinary Genius http://t.co/SkHV7mLU
Why I love Reddit: submitted by KiLLaKRaGGy to funny [link] [23 commenti] http://t.co/kCE8T5gy
RT @spinozait: Fascista minaccia chi prova a fermarlo, spara a due africani, tenta la fuga e muore. Il ventennio in due minuti. [lowerome]
RT @CERN: Fabiola Gianotti says with 20 fb-1 of data in 2012 (4 times 2011), #Higgs could be unambigously discovered or ruled out by #ATLAS
RT @CERN: #ATLAS sees a small excess at a Higgs mass of 126 GeV coming from 3 channels. Local significance: 3.6 sigma but only 2.4 sigma globally
La più importante presentazione del secolo è scritta in Comic Sans #CERN #Higgs #fb
RT @CERN: Follow the action live on #CERN #Higgs seminar from a live blog on Quantum Diaries http://t.co/Y63wyn2M
RT @CERN: 2 hours to go before #CERN #Higgs seminar. Room full to the rafters. People would hang from the lamps if the security guards would let them
Try troubleshooting a faulty wire in this motherbitch: submitted by ForgottenPhoenix to pics [link] [138 c... http://t.co/FnhDKlOL
RT @brainpicker: Richard Feynman on beauty, honors, and curiosity http://t.co/VE0ZaYd9
RT @pod2g: Got an untethered iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1. Feel free to update.
RT @CERN: Getting closer to finding out if the #Higgs exists. New results will be presented tomorrow at #CERN http://t.co/0hULUwkP
When i was 17.: submitted by BenAfleckIsAnOkActor to funny [link] [87 commenti] http://t.co/g3orGOtW
RT @rhawtin: OMG. My friends turned my Torino hotel room into a black plastic cave like the Packard building in 1994 in... http://t.co/0QT1pdBv
Men are not mind readers.: submitted by moofrog to fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu [link] [73 commenti] http://t.co/mK4GJvT7
RT @CERN: Getting ahead of ourselves! Last beam of *2011* extracted from #LHC
RT @Schwarzenegger: Warren Buffett is a visionary and he's investing in the future. I love Warren, and love this kind of action even more: http://t.co/EltAhDJm)
I guess he has a point: submitted by thinkingthought to funny [link] [189 commenti] http://t.co/ikdFm7Hk
Tuscan Sunrise: submitted by loki010 to pics [link] [157 commenti] http://t.co/L1bCe6sg
RT @SnoopDogg: 3 generations of smokers: Willie, wiz n tha dogg #macanddevin http://t.co/2fb3YUiv
The Ultimate Tweet: submitted by daddison35 to gaming [link] [380 commenti] http://t.co/hkeCxvm8
Vegas...: submitted by Aidsbitches to trees [link] [96 commenti] http://t.co/643LdkSw
WE ARE VIKINGS! NO NEED FOR THE WEAK!: submitted by prutte94 to fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu [link] [57 commenti] http://t.co/Ytno32Ip
RT @LockheedMartin: F-22 production line update: http://t.co/pE1UGPCs (via @defense_news)
The Ultimate Tweet: submitted by daddison35 to gaming [link] [366 commenti] http://t.co/hkeCxvm8
I told my daughter to make a pretty face. She did this.: submitted by ksandifer138 to creepy [link] [117 c... http://t.co/kdEvBCDy
Do you like the paint job on my 1988 Audi?: submitted by mikhaelrees to funny [link] [442 commenti] http://t.co/oMeJeIzZ
It's so horribly, horribly well done.: submitted by WhaleStep to http://t.co/bIAmymg6 [link] [515 commenti] http://t.co/JhaGOMZh
best moment of my childhood: submitted by A_Slow_Descent to funny [link] [180 commenti] http://t.co/vyW8RF3l
RT @Astro_Mike: My friend Bobby Satcher also recently the Astronaut Corps, we will be looking to hire new astronauts, get your applications ready