“@azael: il tipo di megaupload rischia 50 anni di carcere, Schettino ne rischia 15. Si vede che i morti erano in creative commons” #fb
Feds shut down Megaupload: submitted by slycon to technology [link] [2739 commenti] http://origin.reddit.com/r...
RT @brainpicker: The Costa Concordia shipwreck viewed from outer space http://www.openculture.com/2012...
reddit is offline in protest of PROTECT IP and SOPA: http://www.reddit.com/
RT @Benfogle: 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion' Muhammed Ali
ciao, ultimamente sto sperimentando una serie di errori 500 con wordpress 3.3.1 IT su webperte.. si blocca l'upload dei file e a volte la pubblicazione dei post.. consigli?
idee? - Jacopod
Forse il problema è dovuto alla disabilitazione del plugin per la cache, ho provveduto a riattivarlo - Jacopod
TIL billionaire colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar was making so much money, he spent $2,500 a month on rubber ba... http://origin.reddit.com/r...
A guy in my class sent this to me today..: submitted by palepony to AdviceAnimals [link] [34 commenti] http://www.reddit.com/r...
ciao! sto cercando un hosting a basso costo, ho bisogno solo di php, le pagine saranno quesi tutte statiche, tanto spazio e tanto traffico (devo fare streaming di mp3).. consigli?
tophost.it? - naevus
tophost è ottimo, guarda il mio blog per vedere com'è veloce... - due chiacchiere
True story: submitted by kingsama to funny [link] [47 commenti] http://t.co/bz08Kyyo
1 - Press and hold CTRL 2 - Upvote 3 - Be amazed!: Ron Paul Edit: Front page. OMG guys, this is such an importa... http://origin.reddit.com/r...
Operation: DEEPTHROAT "The enemy of my enemy is my friend.": submitted by Slagar10 to 4chan [link] [169 commenti] http://www.reddit.com/r...
Hear me roar!: submitted by cycophuk to aww [link] [41 commenti] http://t.co/Vg3Kwvqd
Meanwhile in China: submitted by ForgottenPhoenix to pics [link] [84 commenti] http://t.co/EJVZ9MOp
Well who's laughing now?: submitted by mirex0_0 to funny [link] [322 commenti] http://t.co/fS0zPPbf
Operation: 9GAG: submitted by Hesho95 to 4chan [link] [276 commenti] http://t.co/krPRWEMv
Reddit according to 4chan [x-post from /r/4chan]: submitted by Eustis to funny [link] [73 commenti] http://t.co/1PfjQkkN
Reports surface that Kim Jong Il is actually alive: submitted by roaddogg2k2 to funny [link] [88 commenti] http://t.co/cvptJcGA
Heyyyyyyyyyyy: submitted by lukeisopinionated to funny [link] [40 commenti] http://t.co/Tcv5Z3jv
read the first line: http://t.co/u8CnUMnF #fb
The Original Pokémon Master: submitted by daeger to funny [link] [239 commenti] http://t.co/k37Zdfe3
At a party last night at a solid [9.9]: submitted by iworkinakitchen to trees [link] [68 commenti] http://t.co/zbjcStdU
Now this is a show idea, from this week's postsecret: submitted by Onawire to funny [link] [12 commenti] http://t.co/4xyJaOo3
PS. Lieutenant Dan is a pretty cool guy. - Gotta point though.: submitted by blabetron to funny [link] [706 c... http://t.co/twhMg6zS
RT @mikko: What would Iran do with the US drone they captured? It's not like they could just find the manual online...oh, wait... http://t.co/OiUsI5Up
RT @ShotgunF15E: Love it when an F-22 takes off in full after burner and sets off car alarms all over base. #jetnoisesoundoffreedom #aviation
RT @cencio4: Captured US drones Iran will show: if they were flying inside the Iranian airspace they had to be stealth. Updated: http://t.co/fRi3LBAl
RT @facebook: Timeline: Now Available Worldwide http://t.co/j7iTdRDq
TIL that if a surface-to-air missile launch was detected, the standard evasive action for an SR-71 Blackbird was... http://t.co/BcKqyWSo
It is almost 2012 and we still don't have printers that can successfully cancel jobs.: submitted by ilylollersk... http://t.co/hSEU1BcI