Sign #712 that the Apocalypse is near: Google has feelings. And a sense of humor.
Strangely, the above spelling correction does not happen now. And, surprisingly there are very few research papers, etc. published related to Google's spelling corrector - except of course that small tutorial by Peter Norvig. - Space Cowboy
Top 10 new species of 2009 - CNET News -
Among them a suicidal palm, a 22" insect, mini-sea horses, and a probably now-extinct fish that gave live births, umbilical cord and all. - Jared Jacobs
Wife's at 39 weeks and eager to deliver. Any tips for triggering labor?
Certain acupressure points, walking, and sex. I won't cite my sources, but the last one is especially effective. - Ocean
The past few days have been fantastic and exhausting, but no baby yet. She's 75% effaced, though. Not long now... - Jared Jacobs
kaChing in NYTimes article screenshot.
Ear Plugs to Lasers - The Science of Concentration - -
"She recommends starting your work day concentrating on your most important task for 90 minutes. At that point your prefrontal cortex probably needs a rest, and you can answer e-mail, return phone calls and sip caffeine (which does help attention) before focusing again. But until that first break, don’t get distracted by anything else, because it can take the brain 20 minutes to do the equivalent of rebooting after an interruption." - Jared Jacobs
I wonder what it does with the 20 minutes. - j1m Video: High-Tech Cellist Fuses Music, MacBook | GadgetLab -
♪ Peo-ple.... making peo-ple... ♪♬
Assembling a crib. Wishing quality furniture were as easy as the IKEA stuff.
@jcleblanc Great, thanks! We're really excited about the upcoming launch.
Epigenetics: DNA Isn’t Everything -
Fascinating. This means it's even more important for women to have healthy pregnancies: "Diet and epigenetics appear to be closely linked. The most well known example is that of the Agouti mice: they are yellow, fat and are prone to diabetes and cancer. If Agouti females are fed with a cocktail of vitamin B12, folic acid and cholin, directly prior to and during pregnancy, they give birth to mainly brown, slim and healthy offspring, which in turn have mainly offspring similar to themselves." And it gives me hope that the obesity epidemic in America can be repaired as quickly as it spread. - Jared Jacobs
kaChing mentioned on WSJ blog:
Boycotting Nestlé (including Perrier, S. Pellegrino, Powerbar, Purina)
Appalled by the pumping of fresh water out of local communities without their consent to package and sell it elsewhere.
Does Dark Energy Really Exist? -
Cool. I'd love to strike dark energy from the books. - Jared Jacobs
‘Going Galt’: Everyone’s Doing It! - Opinion - -
Keynesian Economics Is Wrong: Bigger Gov't Is Not Stimulus -
I'm tired of our government using hard economic times as an excuse to grow. You? - Jared Jacobs
Swiss even clean their mountains! -
In the words of Homer Simpson, "It's funny because it's true." - Jared Jacobs
kaChing Joins Social Investing Fray with New API - BusinessWeek -
Curious Octopus Floods Aquarium -
Species with high dexterity become intelligent. The octopus is a fantastic example: "In one instance, an octopus given a slightly spoiled shrimp stuffed it down the drain while maintaining eye contact with its keeper, Linden said." I've read a dozen other examples like this one. Ask me, and I'll look them up. - Jared Jacobs
The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan is exactly the wrong medicine for the economy. Here's why. -
Full of good insights, like: 1. If renegotiation is mutually beneficial, then it is likely to occur without government intervention. 2. Loan modification just pushes defaults down the road. 3. It has a chilling effect on future lending. ... - Jared Jacobs
Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake-Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia -
In a paper published recently in the International Journal of Astrobiology, the researchers concluded that based on what they saw, at least 361 intelligent civilizations have emerged in the Milky Way since its creation, and as many as 38,000 may have formed. -
As much as I'd like to believe, the climatologists have destroyed nearly all of my faith in model simulations of complex natural phenomena. - Jared Jacobs
Only at BYU. (If I'd known that going there would sentence me to ads like this, I might have reconsidered.)
Oren Lavie - The Opposite Side of the Sea -
Check out the stop-motion video in the book. - Jared Jacobs
Runner's World Runner's Diet: The Ultimate Eating Plan That Will Make Every Runner (and Walker) Leaner, Faster, and Fitter (Runners World) -
Within Any Possible Universe, No Intellect Can Ever Know it All -
Okay, theoretical physicists, hear that? Time to pack up and head home. - Jared Jacobs
It's hot and crowded at the Matrix of AJAX Revolutions
"Lazy Eye" Treatments Provide New Insight on Brain Plasticity -