Wife's at 39 weeks and eager to deliver. Any tips for triggering labor?
Certain acupressure points, walking, and sex. I won't cite my sources, but the last one is especially effective. - Ocean
My wife's a midwife - and we've had 5 kids - she advises sex. Not kidding. Worth a try... - Thom Kennon
Jump out and scare her. - Akiva
Sex. It got you into this mess and now it has to get you out :) - James Poling
Get comfy, order a pizza, put your favorite movie on. Once her body gets in the mood to relax and enjoy, that's when the kids is gonna have his/her say. You'll be putting her in the car before Bruce Willis says Yippie Kie-Yay! - Bryan R. Adams
This is some of the best advice ever! - Jared Jacobs
@Cristo True, but we're trying to avoid inducing. - Jared Jacobs
Sounds like sex got the plurality. Catch you guys later. - Jared Jacobs
walk walk walk - kazumi iwakura
Oral sex . . . on you. There is an enzyme in the ejaculate that helps stimulate labor. - O.Shane
Just let nature take its course....... - The Naughty Boys
Hey Jared, did any of our advice work yet? - Kevin Fox
Sex and going for walks. - Mark Novak
If it were still May 1st I'd suggest multitasking, but perhaps in series is the best plan. - Kevin Fox
If you play with her boobs it can start the oxytocin needed to begin labor. It might sound funny, but I know people it worked for. Plus, she might like it! - Georgia
The past few days have been fantastic and exhausting, but no baby yet. She's 75% effaced, though. Not long now... - Jared Jacobs