RT @NathanFillion: I'm sponsoring Team Pickles for www.stepoutLA.com to stop diabetes. Surprise them and sponsor with me?
Funny how spammers can spew tons of garbage in2 Twitter but reporting 'n blocking results in Twitter API violation. @twitter get it 2gether!
RT @DavidBlue: Can we make #SGU & #CapricaIsback trending topics together in honor of us being night neighbors now? Spread the word! Starting Tuesday!
Dear Microsoft: If the default config of IE in Windows Server 2008 = "you can't do shit" + security settings 2 downl'd r E=mc2, why bother?
It's started. Thanks 2 supposed #hcr I can no longer use my HSA debit 4 non-prescription OTC. Thanks Pelosi, Reid and Obama. #p2 #tlot #tcot
Pretty sad I have to go through codec hell and can't still can't watch a show because the pathetic dinosaur networks can't get it 2gether.
Why the hell am I getting DM's from @SwitchinToGlide about "ComeToWebinar" with a caltweet link? R They hacked/suckerd or am I unfollowing?
RT @avibryant: Zero History: @greatdismal's characters used to jack in to Ono-Sendai cyberdecks to cut ice in the matrix. Now they tweet from iPhones.
RT @SCHEFFXP: what a fun geeky night (Broadcasting live at http://www.ustream.tv/channel...) // The Nerds are jealous!
Geez. Interwebs minus @Fireman17 = lame interwebs.
Wow. You don't realize the water content of air until the AC water pump fails. 1.9 liters per hour in FL for 93% to 45% Rel humidity in FL!
Latest Dev build of Chrome has more issues than and previous Dev build. Price to pay for living on the Edge I guess.
RT @GTPeach: @jalenjade i love you // SHeeeeesh. U2 get a room! ;p
Ok all this @ spam is getting more annoying than Anne Uumellmahaye.
RT @tjholthaus: R.I.P. Mario Rubio: Marco Rubio's father, Mario Rubio, has died from complications of lung cancer... http://www.nationalreview.com/corner...
RT @wilw: Hey, the guy who used the urinal before me had asparagus for dinner! #grossbuttrue // #howtrue
R.I.P. Stinky. We will miss you so very much :'(
My favorite musical artist is Rush http://mashable.com/win/ #winweekend (via @mashable @livenation)
RT @CaliLewis: HDR photographer @TreyRatcliff giving away free copies of his eBook! http://calilewis.me/freeebook You're going to want this...heck, I do!
Hmmm. Appears someone has stolen Playstation Network email addresses and is phishing account passwords. Good job Sony!
Big rollout completed. Now for sleep before the inevitable early AM bug reports start up.
Wow. Just saw UFO: 5 (or more) amber lights, v formation, completely silent moving fast across the clear nt sky. 12:55 Winter Park, FL. #UFO
I entered the iPad Contest at @weekinrewind here: http://www.weekinrewind.com/2010... Each Tweet equals one entry! ReTweet often
It's more fun to compute.
US Soliciter General Elena Kagan is Obama's pick to replace Stevens on SCOTUS. She's never been a judge, like Rehnquist. @TLOT @tcot
XMind mind mapper. It's the cat's meow. No, they didn't pay me to say that.
"I entered the iPad Contest at @weekinrewind here: http://bit.ly/90ySyO Each Tweet equals one entry! ReTweet often!"
"Government grants" don't save jobs. It's spendthrift politicians blackmailing U that cause firemen & police 2 loose jobs. #tlot #tcot #p2
RT @avibryant: Yes, I'm a languages geek. Laughed out loud all through this: http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009...
I wonder if womansrights.السعودية is taken yet? Or would that be السعودية.sthgirsnamow ?