I wonder if womansrights.السعودية is taken yet? Or would that be السعودية.sthgirsnamow ?
RT @merlyn: Yeay! Squeak Smalltalk 4.1 is released! http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/piperma...
RIP Peter Steele. Way too young! :(
Win a free iPad from @nealcampbell. The rules are at http://www.neal.tv. Please RT and pass it on!
@CtrlFollow Same old thing here. You?
I wanted to get an iPad today, but I couldn't get the Kotex employee discount so I bailed.
"Welfare" definition from a 1785 dictionary: "Happiness, success, prosperity". Free medical conspicuous absent. #tlot #tcot #hcr
@CenturyLinkJoey Thanks for the reply Joey. It was down monday from multiple internet sources. Today, it's miraculously working again.
@CenturyLinkJoey Is CenturyLink now blocking incoming SSH?
@JalenJade What'd u expect? Trust the reckless whippersnappers 2 keep within a budget or grok sophisticated language of the constitution? ;)
RT @kosso: As you can see, it only takes me approximately 40 seconds to get up for work in the morning! http://kosso.phreadz.com/x... // lol awesome!
Congrats 2 @sarahKSilverman 4 making the snobs squirm uncomfortably n their own house @ #TED2010 . I hear even the retarded 1s were put out!
@JalenJade Except when NASA shows SD, but that's NASA.
@JalenJade Stream is full HD. If U can view it on the TV, it will look fine. Looks fine at 1650x1080 at a distance of 12 inches full screen.
@JalenJade Go to SpaceVidCast.com (or Ustream channel) hi-def broadcast. Screw work.
RT @cariann: Join us over on @Spacevidcast at http://www.spacevidcast.com/live... -- we're about to switch over to the HD feed! #STS130
@PoopsTech Yep. Turbo Pascal was cool. But Turbo C was the real cat's meow!
@merlyn It's quality, not quantity that counts (but doesn't pay unfortunately) ;)
@CjayMarshall Only if they call it the Newton Messagepad 2010!
@CjayMarshall No. Mars rover. The cats live on in infamy!
RIP Spirit. The little rover that could!
RT @bencredible: It is officially @cariann's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL AND AWESOME WIFE! // Happy birthday, @Cariann !
@bear One Script to Rule Them All. God I hope we aren't going to have to sit through 3 x 3 hour movies about yours! ;p
@kizmut But, there's never been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than EFnet!
@Tracker29 U betcha! I can outlast your ancient ass any day, especially New Years! ;p
Lol @ the FriendFeed Turkey Shoot!
Happy New Year!
RT @sullrich: And now our belated xmas present: http://blog.pfsense.org/?p=544 #pfSense 2.0-BETA1 is here! amd64 is building, i386 avai ...
RT @bear: sheesh - with this new TSA rule about no standing during the last hour... will the planes now offer Adult Diapers? I'm not fly ...
@Fireman17 DUde. @woot sold exactly ONE bag-o-crap. I guess Santa has all the other bags of random crap!
RT @bear: RT @xopher @stav I hear grey is the new black. ;p