Apologies for anyone that follows: I'm grumpy because Windows 8 is painful and full of fail. And I wanted it to be great. No such luck.
Dear @microsoft : Exuberance of u'r phone robo-dude doesn't make up 4 fact phone activ'tn is required because u'r upgrade FAILed! #windows8
First exclusive behind the scenes pic from the new Star Wars Episode 7 already released! http://twitter.com/insurge...
"Tap to choose what happens with removable disks"?! I'm using a MOUSE and MONITOR like the REST of the NON-APL Fanboi world! #windows8 #fail
Windows Store doesn't work in Chrome, doesn't work in IE. More Windows 8 fail. How far they've regressed. #microsoft #windows8 #fail
I'd though it was just my impression of a "pre-release" but... Windows 8 is useless with a traditional kb/mouse interface for no reason.
RT @303: Zynga just laid off 100+ employees (incl. my friends) in its Austin office during the Apple Event. Gave them 2 hours to vacate. RT please.
Shameless I know.
I just got a $2 credit from @amazon_studios for movies + TV shows @amazonvideo. Click http://www.amazon.com/studios... to get yours #studios2u
RT @EddieMcClintock: Whether you're a REP or DEM, nothing says, "I'm a snide asshole." like continuing to laugh in the face of your opponent. #RESPECT
RIP Bill Moggridge. On his way to that big magnetic bubble in the sky.
RIP Michael Clarke Duncan :(
RT @MindbIowingFact: ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╱▔▏┈┈┈RIP┈☆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈╱╲╱┈┈┈┈NEIL┈┈ ┈┈┈▂▂╱╲╱┈┈ARMSTRONG┈ ┈┈┈╲╱╲╱┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ┈┈╭╭╲╱▏┈┈┈╱▔▔▔▔╲ ╭╭╭╭╭╲▏┈┈╱╭╮┊╰╯┊ ╭╭╭╭╭┈┈┈▕┊╰┊┊┊╭╮
FFS @Agilent! Not like you are storing the family jewels! "Passwds must b at least 8 char's with at least 1 char not a letter or number"
RIP Andy Griffith
I guess I need to tweet more. All my @ replies seem to be al-Qaeda replies gone awry.
Alice: Madness Returns for PC = crappy bug-ridden console port. Typical great job by @EA <eyeroll>. A real waste of a great concept.
FREE eBook on Windows Server 2012 for IT Pros - Get yours today! #ws2012 #hyperv #msteched #itcamp http://aka.ms/ebws12
ROFL @ "Owl? What sort of mage has an owl as a pet?" #DAO #WitchHunt
RIP Davy Jones
Having an erection lasting more than 4 hours is like having Obama president for more than 4 years: Requires immediate attention! #tloc #tcot
#skyrim 1.4 patch if FUBAR. No problems with game until this patch. Now, companion constantly lost and quests hosed. Not a happy camper! :(
I watches Gabrielle Giffords last night and I wonder: Why the hell isn't Jared Loughner desiccated bones n the ground yet? #tlot #tcot #p2
#sotu #gop response is #yawn . I thought Mr Rogers was no longer with us.
As expected: No personal responsibility at all for anything going on in the country after 3 years. #sotu #totalcrap
RT @Talkmaster: Are you sure there aren't 57 stars?
We demand Warren Buffett's secretary releases her past 5 years of tax returns before the election! #sotu #buffettrule
#sotu itsn't a #sotu, it's just O self-aggrandizing inaction and pimping more pandering big government control and non-solutions. #sickening
Realize that Ron Paul would not only make America a better place, his presidency would make the WORLD a better place. #tlot #tcot #ronpaul