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#angel #investor #innovator #starter #manager #digital #marketer #science #lover #books #freak #geek #ruby #coder #apple #macosx #homeoffice
The most difficult problem in teaching object- oriented programming is getting the learner to give up the global knowledge of control.
To find an intelligent life elsewhere look for stars with asteroid belts. Good idea.
RT @rjs: "Nobody likes chaos but everybody wants innovation. Unfortunately they are concurrent things."
Earth's location in the universe. Still fascinating each time I think of it.
The story of life on earth is written in the rocks.
RT @Forbes: Disney purchase boosts George Lucas' net worth by over $700 million.
i just learnt that the great fire of london is the first agile project :) thank you @jimweirich!
Great article for refactoring a #ruby app. Includes examples such as fat model hell, policy objects etc.
RT @Forbes: How to build a company without using a VC.
RT @arcticstartup: Live From Garage48 Or How To Prototype Your Idea in 48 Hours
scratch your own itch. build a product that you love and passionate about. get inspired from open source developers and great entrepreneurs.
do you know that most of twitter's traffic comes from fake accounts?
I like this music: "You Better Hide" with "Heidi Happy":
golgaris have powerful abilities like +1/+1 counter for each creature in your graveyard! awesome! @magicthegathering
game revenue topics: "focus on developing the product rather than going to vcs" #websummit
using coupons on web sites increases conversion rates by %12 #websummit
I'm at Temple Bar Square (Dublin)
RT @ilkecarkci: Dijital reklam yatırımları geçen yılın ilk yarısına göre %34,4 arttı. via @ilkecarkci
'ring species' thing from evolutionary biology is fascinating.
I will be in Dublin, Ireland for Web Summit Conference. If you are going too we can meet.
A shunt is kinda like a mock, except you don't override all of the methods. Of course, irrelevant thanks to Ruby.
garanti bankasının api'ı var mı? bilen var mı?
How to hire a sales person for your start-up?
90 Things I Learned From Founding 4 Tech Companies:
starting part of miles davis's take five song resembles with old school video games