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Newest from Paul: “@paulg: How to Get Startup Ideas:”
Old times' carrier pigeons were carrying messages two-way at about 150km per hour in a very reliable path finding...
İnternet girişimcileri için videolar; gayet faydalı olmuş @ersanozer aracılığıyla
“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” - Swedish proverb
This is just great. An interactive VIM tutor :)
Türkiye'nin en hızlı büyüyen teknoloji şirketleri ekteki linkte...
Türk Internet'i genç: %78'i 15 - 17 yaş grubu. Kaynak: IAB Türkiye
Türk Internet'i genç: %78'i 15 - 17 yaş grubu. kaynak: IAB Türkiye
Türk Internet'i genç: %78'i 15 - 17 yaş grubu. kaynak:
I just learned that Microsoft is also working on a Google Glass like device.
RT @kadikoybelediye: Kadıköy'deki petshoplarda kedi ve köpek satılamayacak. Barınağımızdan ücretsiz sahiplenebilirsiniz. #SatınalmaSahiplen
RT @gamasutra: The 9 common mistakes every indie game studio should avoid
poor one:p “@WoodyZuill: I take the Agile Manifesto very seriously. Some say too seriously. You be the judge.”
wow! türkiye'nin en güçlü 50 kadın ceo'su:
Boğaziçi effect. - f(z)
ActiveRecord, ORM and Domain modeling, bullshot -
ActiveRecord, ORM and Domain modeling, bullshot -
Not doing it because somebody else already did it is wrong. If there are no competitors, then there is probably no market.
Each time you Google something; that may costs to a life of a tortoise...
RT @larrywright: Netflix wins for best Github page:
"most bad people think they are good people" -- they're on the dark side and aware. their focus is getting only more power. the dark power.
"life doesn’t work out if we try to solve it like an equation. if we let it go and happen to us, that we will find our true happiness"
RT @atillayurtseven: "Nasıl bir ürün geliştirmeliyim?" yanlış bir yaklaşımdır. Bence neye ihtiyacım var diye düşünmek iyi bir başlangıç olabilir.
büyük firma olmanın cilveleri “@erhanerdogan: Apple ... $21 milyon ödemiş.”
ipad mini is a great device. thanks for the trial tour my friend @atillayurtseven
Great minds have one innate characteristic in common: they continuously ask questions throughout their lives.
Is it really true? Interesting... “@Forbes: 300 years of data confirms winning strategy: buy stocks now, sell in May”
RT @ClickZ: Retargeting: 3 Ways to Avoid Frustrating Your Potential Customers
RT @joshsusser: If you don't hate time zones, you're not a real programmer.
The most difficult problem in teaching object- oriented programming is getting the learner to give up the global knowledge of control.
To find an intelligent life elsewhere look for stars with asteroid belts. Good idea.