Ian Yang

Software Engineer in Chinese
RT @adyranov: "Trust only benchmarks you've made yourself. All others are benchmarketing" #highload2014
Google’s Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of ‘Warehouse’ Computing - http://www.wired.com/2012...
Restricting process CPU usage using nice, cpulimit, and cgroups - http://blog.scoutapp.com/article...
对游戏来说,如何归纳和分类美术风格比较合理? - 来须苍真的回答 - 知乎 - http://www.zhihu.com/questio...
The internet is fucked - http://www.theverge.com/2014...
VP Engineering Vs CTO – AVC - http://avc.com/2011...
Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For October 31st, 2014 - http://highscalability.com/blog...
reading-list:/ - reading-list:/
Gamasutra: James Shasha's Blog - Thematic Level Design in a Non-Euclidean Space: Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor - http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs...
From Katana to Pink Panda: rethinking co-op for parents and kids - http://www.polygon.com/2014...
New to Tuts+: Game Development? Start Here. - Tuts+ Game Development Article - http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/article...
Eight Docker Development Patterns - http://www.hokstad.com/docker...
Keystroke Sequence Shortcuts in Mac OS X - http://iany.me/keystro...
阳澄西湖服务区的清晨 - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
How Clay.io Built their 10x Architecture Using AWS, Docker, HAProxy, and Lots More - http://highscalability.com/blog...
The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs - Harvard Business Review - http://hbr.org/2012...
一大早提示升级百度输入法 3.3 ,升完就不能用了。好吧,反正用五笔,转成用内置的好了
RT @jeffz_cn: 支付宝PM:“小张,校验输入时记得要过滤代码。” 小张:“明白,一会儿就做好。” https://twitter.com/jeffz_c...
RT @virushuo: 我对王垠和李杀都很佩服,他们身体力行的和世界的规则对抗。这样当然会付出代价,但我仍然尊重他们。这些人不费吹灰之力就可以得到庸才们梦想的一切,但他们偏偏不愿意这样去做。这实在是没什么可笑的,每个人选择自己喜欢的道路而已。至于胡正,那是另外档子事了。
Cpanel account browser - 后台管理 - http://wu-admin.dev/account...
erlang hrl duplicate - Google Search - https://www.google.com/search...
RT @nya_Izumi: 第二个半价这种策略超不人道 让情侣都省下了钱 然后让单身的人都变成了大胖子
chinese ip route sock - Google Search - https://www.google.com/search...
RT @roamlog: Day one:一个很不错的日记 app,限免了,推荐收了 https://t.co/OGbXowWUvM
RT @jerrymice: 一哥们工作上遇到个比较深奥的概念,写毕业论文的时候用到过,过了几年已经完全想不起来,在wiki上查,该条目的解释也是非常拗口,越看越火大,肯定是半瓶子醋作者翻译的,作者没有留账号,只有ip地址,果然不是什么高手,连账号都不敢留!查了一下IP…母校,再一看时间…就是他写论文的时候…