Re: Run Your Playbook, Not Someone Else's -
"thanks!" - hunter walk
Re: What's a Seed Fund to Do When a Seed Round is $20 Million? -
"yes, although it's always the founders' company, esp at seed stage, you just structurally have less influence when there's a larger investor involved who is taking a board seat, etc" - hunter walk
Re: What's a Seed Fund to Do When a Seed Round is $20 Million? -
"shorthand for don't pay Series A prices for a seed stage company unless you believe there's a real differentiator" - hunter walk
Re: B2C becomes B2B every time someone walks into an office with their smartphone in their pocket -
"yup, get pulled in" - hunter walk
Re: What's a Seed Fund to Do When a Seed Round is $20 Million? -
"Not for us specifically" - hunter walk
Re: What's a Seed Fund to Do When a Seed Round is $20 Million? -
"i don't think so. it'll either be good for innovation or bad for innovation and will self-correct over time if needed" - hunter walk
Re: B2C becomes B2B every time someone walks into an office with their smartphone in their pocket -
"at very least BYOD shortcuts the RFP process. you get a lot of usage and then sell the enterprise level contract in at the VP/C-level" - hunter walk
Re: Homebrew Funding Announcement: Primary, Brilliant Kids Clothes/Basics Under $25 -
"yup. plus production was more difficult - my dad used to work in menswear at JC Penny for 20 years and I remember all the sourcing trips he had to make to get it right, etc plus the size of the orders required. The business was entirely different, most notably the lack of direct relationship with your customer (as you point) out, unless you were the one opening retail storefronts." - hunter walk
Re: Homebrew Funding Announcement: Primary, Brilliant Kids Clothes/Basics Under $25 -
"hi! i describe our themes as a white picket fence, not a barded wire fence, which means we use them as guiding frameworks but will be opportunistic as well. We like vertical ecommerce brands because they allow new direct-to-consumer models to be built and scale. Imagine how different it would be to start Primary 10-20 years ago!" - hunter walk
Re: The Most Difficult Question I Ask Founders -
"aww thanks!" - hunter walk
Re: How This Young, Female and Latina Investor Broke Into a Middle-Aged, Male and White Industry -
"love machine actually formally occurred after i left (if i recall correctly). i think we had some way to send kudos to teammates while i was there :)" - hunter walk
Re: Midas List 2020: Forerunner's Eurie Kim (and Why Company Names Matter to Her) -
"i've done a few different Five Question interviews over time and enjoy them so decided to do more. I try to pick out people who aren't necessarily already prolific online so their story isn't as well known. Because we're friends and I'm not a journalist, i usually get honest answers :)" - hunter walk
Re: Foursquare's Noah Weiss on The App Split and Becoming a Product VP That Founders Can Trust -
"Share people i know well who are doing interesting things but not in the press everyday" - hunter walk
Re: Writing When You Might Be Wrong -
"chicken and egg argument though. also, not everyone gets a response on every topic. what community i have is interested in this stuff. if i wrote about a different topic, i'd get crickets. and that's fine too." - hunter walk
Re: Writing When You Might Be Wrong -
"will you give me this -> it's never been easier to build an audience or get noticed if you do say something interesting?" - hunter walk
Re: Writing When You Might Be Wrong -
"I have no grounds to challenge the woman part of your statement, not being, uh a woman :) But I would say that "i need to prove myself first" is another one of those (pardon my french) mindfucks. If you're honest and humble about what you've done and not done, i think ppl are willing to listen rather than wait for you to be a golden god." - hunter walk
Re: Writing When You Might Be Wrong -
"thx!" - hunter walk
Re: Branding, VCs and the 'Uncanny Valley' -
"hi! yeah, so we've got most work to do there because our platform only works if we can be successful in our own right! So far we haven't done this in totally scalable ways but i'll give you an example or two. We've gotten founders together who are working in the same space but not necessarily competitive and hosted them for off the record discussion of common challenges, opportunities w a speaker who has direct experience in that market. We don't tweet/blog/etc about it bec would defeat the purpose of doing it off the record." - hunter walk
Re: Do SF Engineers "Get" Art? 3 Fish Gallery Owner Weighs In... -
"Me too! Want to do more. Just takes time." - hunter walk
Re: Hiring Momentum: Underrated Component of Startup Success -
"Mission, mission, mission" - hunter walk
Re: Hiring Momentum: Underrated Component of Startup Success -
"Exactly" - hunter walk
Re: Thoughts on Pre-Seed / Genesis Rounds -
"all these subtle distinctions are crazy. If there's a capital imbalance, it'll last for at most a single fund cycle before it resolves." - hunter walk
Re: Hiring Momentum: Underrated Component of Startup Success -
"haven't written on equity/comp, probably other than 'be generous' to your early team" - hunter walk
Re: Announcing Homebrew Fund II -
"thanks sir" - hunter walk
Re: Announcing Homebrew Fund II -
";)" - hunter walk
Re: The Periodic Table of Venture Capital Blogs -
"you ever drop me or move me down and i'll stab you" - hunter walk
Re: Why Most Online Video Companies Will Fail -
":)" - hunter walk
Re: Why Most Online Video Companies Will Fail -
"100%" - hunter walk
Re: Beyond SKUs: Dipping Our Toe Into Hardware Investments -
"like retail point of sale? veerrrrrrry crowded" - hunter walk
Re: Beyond SKUs: Dipping Our Toe Into Hardware Investments -
"thanks sir!" - hunter walk
Re: Silicon Valley Is Still Best Place to Build a Startup But... -
"true but for a brief period in SV, it was a predictor that caused investments decisions on the order of billions of dollars" - hunter walk
Re: Silicon Valley Is Still Best Place to Build a Startup But... -
"there's about a dozen questions there each of which have a long reply :)" - hunter walk