Ordinarybug Heather

SOOPER SEKRIT IDENITEE of the Undercover Nun. Silly. Always into something. http://plus.to/hedwyg
... Finally, I got to the speaker to place my order, and then the line seemed to move quickly. ...
... I was fourth in line behind the speaker, and it seemed like the line just wasn't moving. I used the time to skim my work email. ...
A Tuesday morning story: I spent way too long in a drive-thru line this morning, in order to purchase overpriced coffee. ...
That awesome moment when you have to enter a captcha, and it's really easy.
@znikkicat Ugh. I am so very familiar with this territory. Prayers that you will find healing, and just the right therapist to guide you.
Well, you know how different translations can be... ;-) RT /// @KGDebus @pnuts_mama the Gospel of @wilw has it as "don't be a dick."
And finally, as I need to step away from the lappy, praying today for all women with lady-parts problems. #whitehabit #pain #UGH!
Praying today for the immortal souls of all who burn popcorn in the microwave at the office. #youknowwhoyouare
Praying today for all people of faith, for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Baha'i, Mormons, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and all not named.
RT @heidi_johnson: Had a visitor cry during my sermon & ask where I learned such beautiful theology. Great way to transition from field ed to the school year!
RT @CatFoodBreath: Error 404: Cat snacks not found.
RT @lura_groen: "The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me." -Pascal #beinggrace
RT @BryanGillette1: The world is round, animals evolve, and LGBT folks are getting married. None of it detracts from your marriage or right to worship.
Praying today for all who suffer from anxiety, who live in paralyzing fear. Holy Comforter, help you stand with confidence in a scary world.
Praying today for all who don't know where they will find their next meal, for those who give up their own meal so that a child may eat.
RT @Sacredise: RT @PhilosopherMail: 'To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it.' – Confucius
Praying today for those who do not have access to clean water, to drink or to wash or to cook with. Praying for we who take it for granted.
Didn't Jesus say that? "Verily I say unto thee, be not an asshole." #goldenrule? // RT @pnuts_mama n short, don't be an asshole.
RT @pnuts_mama: in short, don't be an asshole.
In the maritime community where I live, praying today for shipyard and terminal workers, for truckers and train engineers.
Praying today for all who have been harmed by the Church. O Christ, our bridegroom, forgive our stubbornness and cruelty!
Praying today for fast food workers, those in retail, hotel desk clerks, and restaurant servers. God give you grace when we are unkind.
RT @janmpdx: Be the aesthetic blunder you want to see in the world.
RT @CBCNews: Japan tropical storm forces more than 1 million to flee homes http://www.cbc.ca/news... https://twitter.com/CBCNews...
Praying today for our police and sheriffs. Jesus, who overturned the tables in the Temple, guide their acts with wisdom and compassion.
Praying today for all who clean up other people's messes: custodians and janitors, nurses and medical aids, parents and daughters and sons.
Praying today for all who create: authors, artists, composers, photographers, dancers, even software developers. You collaborate with God.
Praying today for teachers, lecturers, professors. Your hard work prepares us for our future; your smallest word can inspire or tear down.
RT @ThomasJeffersin: There is nothing normal about a citizen who spends their entire life fixated on their retirement.
As the new school year approaches, praying for all who struggle with autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, or any learning issue.
Praying today for all members of religious orders, Christian or not. Jesus, you withdrew from the crowds to pray; bless all who do the same.