I just don't think I get check-in apps. Unsurprisingly, @LouisGray & his alter ego @lgloco don't shed any light - http://blog.louisgray.com/2010...
What do you win? Do you play Foursquare just for the points? Seems like half an idea to me, really. - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
@guruvan Interesting. You are the only person of six (so far) to respond with a "yes". Are you in a group of interactive ppl there? - http://twitter.com/jasoncr...
Massive pileup on I-5 near Mt. Shasta | hard, open, passes - UPDATED - - http://www.ktvl.com/article...
Facebook Scam Targets Whole Foods Shoppers [ALERT] - http://mashable.com/2010...
From Travis Wright ( @teedubya ) I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus or occasionally pee on yourself. You hang in there, sunshine - you're friggin' special. Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back.
You haven't coded until you've coded in LOLCODE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Your tech support calls are routed through this to a call center technician. ( ~ @chrisloft ) - http://www.google.com/buzz...
"This is india. It is where you call when you have a technical problem with your computer." - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Twitter Trending Topics Bring pr0n to Twitter.com Home Page. Parents overjoyed! - http://anzman.blogspot.com/2010...
@guruvan is currently the #19 ranked athlete on Twitter with a score of 20. #HIAY - http://twitter.com/twtrank...
You should really check snopes... - http://xkcd.com/250/
I wonder if this is true.... - Mike Nencetti
RESPECT ARE COUNTRY SPEAK ENGLISH! - Teabonics (you will LOL!) - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Learn to Speak Dog!! Google Translate for Animals - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
pwnat - NAT penetration - SUPER Slick. As in, seriously this looks genius - http://samy.pl/pwnat/#
@guruvan BTW I lived- thanks for the good tip! The Gyro was wonderful! - http://twitter.com/ckieff...
OH it is to LOL: Event SausgeMeter!! Sick of sausagefests? Check FB events with this! http://sausageparty.info
How to Make an offline HTML5 App - http://sixrevisions.com/web-dev...
Is it Better or Just Different? I like the Nexus better than iPhone, but would you? - http://www.macworld.com/article...
A big point he makes is that the Market is confusing, with some apps requiring specific hardware (i.e. the flash led in the Droid for a flashlight...not all phones have such a thing) or that some apps required rooted phones. I ask "Is that /really/ that confusing? I can maybe see the point about the rooted phones, but I'm having a hard time seeing that "MOTOROLA DROID ONLY" is confusing. LOL - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
@guruvan Hmmm, gyro sounds like a good idea. I'll give that a shot. If I die it's going to be your fault. - http://twitter.com/ckieff...
One of my favorite characters on twitter. @T_G_Cornholio (I'm afraid of his Lists)
Demo of Check.in Universal Posting Service for Brightkite, Foursquare, and Gowalla - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
@guruvan So sorry, I forgot to add the link to that last tweet! This page uses your feedback to improve coverage: http://cot.ag/5NigIM ^AT - http://twitter.com/TMobile...
@guruvan Sorry for the trouble, we are constantly enhancing our coverage! Check this page out as well: ^AT - http://twitter.com/TMobile...
@guruvan How about creat a listy? Http://listy.me - http://twitter.com/brandon...
@guruvan @ComcastBonnie Thanks. - http://twitter.com/Comcast...
@guruvan okie doke. if anything does ever come up that I can help u with, let me know. - http://twitter.com/Comcast...
@guruvan @louisgray Something I can do for you? - http://twitter.com/Comcast...
Hmm. I see Facebook is doing Twitter impersonations today :) (zilch for newsfeed in my acct, wants more cookies) LOL.
@guruvan ha,ha, i meant had a good evening. - http://twitter.com/jailex...
Malleable social graphs and mini-mobs - Great Terms in a Great Post from Scobleizer. - http://scobleizer.com/2010...
This is the kind of Scoble writing I like to read. A quality explanation of some of the things I think are on the most bleeding edge minds thinking about social networking's next step. AND THE PIGS ARE DAMN CUTE! - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Facebook To Release A “Like” Button For the Whole Darn Internet - http://techcrunch.com/2010...
"but with out the personal data about the "liker" - and that's where the real value is, right?" - guruvan (Rob Nelson)