"Our traffic is 40% mobile and 100% hatereads"
It looks like Twitter has a higher regard for the US Constitution than the DOJ and our President: http://www.techmeme.com/141007...
A half hour into the news, we're facing a surfeit of "Hurd-ing Katz" jokes, and could use a handy top 10 list. #DontHateCurate
RT @andrewpbrett: @gaberivera I think you're obligated to start a potato salad bucket challenge, per https://t.co/7MYtSVKsvi
The Helion Energy demo at #YCDemoDay is really impressive... https://twitter.com/gaberiv...
Can I nominate someone to take a sulphuric acid bucket challenge?
Selfies-from-a-big-table-con vs. selfies-with-Bono-con http://www.irishtimes.com/busines...
These are the times that try men's ties. https://twitter.com/gaberiv...
It's been a tremendous week for misspelling: #Furguson
However many live cameras there are right now in #Ferguson, I think I wish there were about 100X as many.
Hmm @Furrier was it really you who called me a "douche" and "fool"?https://t.co/Il27TIcQUu (The @StartupLJackson debate is interesting too!)
Given that farmers markets here are gushing with ripe early girls tomatoes, why are they missing or downplayed in regular CA grocery stores?
Twitter's amazing #Ferguson visualization reveals how tweets tend to originate from populated areas: http://www.pbs.org/newshou...
RT @StartupLJackson: Like a child licking a cookie, when an editor puts "EXCLUSIVE" in the headline, it says 8 others are about to publish & they calling dibs.
If an ice bucket falls on a CEO, and nobody watches...
With the US now bombing US-made hardware seized by ISIS, we have a starker, realer version of the hole-digging/filling described by Keynes.
Is there a term for the state in which there is a perceptible absence of Burners, such as there is in SF during Burning Man?
What's great about the Kevin Rose news is there are so many self-glorifying ways for Silicon Valley people to congratulate him.
I will never get tired of the prank in which you immediately email nonsense to somebody who brags on Twitter about having hit inbox zero.
...and I don't wanna sound too utopian. Of course it's only one aspect to the process of reform.
It's palpable how mobile and social media (while NOT a panacea) will have a big impact in curtailing police abuses in the years ahead.
When you link to a tweet that's later deleted, Twitter will unembed, leaving you with a hole. So back to screenshots! https://twitter.com/gaberiv...
Everything about Uber makes UPS look terrible. UPS wants me to *pay* to learn an "approximate Delivery Window" for when my package arrives.
Uber now has an executive advising the Pentagon on drone striking Lyft drivers http://blogs.wsj.com/digits...
…I guess software is like that too, just at a greater time scale. (Stop fixing bugs and adding features for a *year* and you're in trouble.)
Re: http://stratechery.com/2014... To me, media *feels* unsoftwarelike because if you stop creating for a week, the revenue spigot shuts off, but…
Apple is disproportionately nonwhite in the US, yet Verge calls it "very white": http://www.theverge.com/2014... Tech pubs: more nuance of race plz!
The Ghost of Twitter Future wants you to know you're loved and will be missed, so stick around a while longer, OK?
Serious question: when someone I follow tweets about his SXSW panel, should I A. Unfolllow -OR- B. Mute ?
Yeah, there's a solution to this http://jezebel.com/we-have... but it won't be IP-based blocking, which is what the Jezebel writers are suggesting.