Winter? What winter?
Check out the Smart Coupons from Spring Metrics!
We love SM yes we do! We love SM how 'bout you? (Playing with some cool new Spring Metrics / Twitter functionality)
RT @springmetrics: Coupons are smart? Yep! Smart Coupons - promotions for site visitors based on behavioral targeting! via @springmetrics
RT @covati: Ok, that Triangle AWS meetup I was talking about? It's on: June 30th, at Shoeboxed, food & refreshments too
RT @covati: Attention AWS users in RDU: I'm thinking about a user group. You in? - Voice your support for a direct flight between RDU and the Bay Area. - NC folks - Voice your support of a direct flight from RDU to the Bay Area.
RT @springmetrics: We've been LIVE for 10 minutes. :-) have a look:
We have set up the twitter account for @springmetrics (the company I co-founded with some awesome folks). Come follow us!
My friend Arthur came out with his newest version of Slipstream which helps filter Twitter posts. Pretty awesome.
One of the few trends I'm on the bleeding edge of: Cord-cutting.
I have to say, this is a pretty clever business idea.
RT @jasonmustian: In fairness, we've been building 'ground zeros' near Iraqi mosques since March 2003.
Hot water heaters seem archaic. Can't we heat the water at the terminals (faucet/shower) and then not have to store hot water, nor run out?
Mini tankless water heaters for faucets [ ] - Kevin Fox
Turns out you can build an Amazon store in almost no time. Check out my solar toys store at
Turns out you can build an Amazon store in almost no time. Check out my <a href="">Solar Toys</a> store.
Live in Durham NC? Want super fast Internet? Nominate Durham for Google's Fiber project. More info at #hifiberdurham
@khalloran shocking indeed :) I'm sure it means your water is perfect.
Really impressed with NYTimes' Infographic department. Newest data set is impressive:
Factual - Making data accountable -
Nice! I'm excited about this. Long overdue. I hope it works out. One reason I want this is for InfoVis stuff - it would be great to get great datasets to be able to build nice visualizations out of - Shannon Bauman
Lobbyists Annoyed With New Obama Regulations -- Politics Daily -
I have to say, I'm really excited about this one. - Shannon Bauman
Friendfeed = matriarchy. -
I just started reading this guy's blog - he has some fun visualizations - sometimes he misses, but sometimes they are really good. - Shannon Bauman
Options vs stock - I'm doing contract work for some startups, and they are asking me if I want stock options, or just stock. I assume I want stock options right? (I don't pay tax up front, so no risk if they end up not being worth anything). Is there something I'm overlooking here?
Yeah, it depends on whether the stock options will be taxed as ordinary income when you exercise them. Ordinary income will be taxed at 30-50%, while long term capital gains will be taxed at 19%. Also, will they give you more if it's options or the same amount? I'd go for the stock if I believe in the company. - Kevin Fox
But bear in mind that most startups fail, so going on you should presume the options are most likely to be worthless. - Stephen Mack
Anyone have a recommendation for a "Grandparent Friendly" cell phone? Specifically: Super simple UI, large / easy to see and press buttons, and ability to turn the volume up very loud. My grandfather is getting his first cell phone, and asked for my recommendation.
Hmm.... Jitterbug seems like it may be a good one: Let me know if I'm making a grave mistake :) - Shannon Bauman
@goldman - I've always found the 13 age to "become a man" funny in modern society. I wonder what age it would be if it was decided today.
I wonder if having me next to presidents will affect photos' rankings? :) -
Neat! How'd that happen? - Jenna Bilotta
They were separate Google encounters back in the day. Obama one was freak accident, just ran into him in the hall, and one of my co-workers happened to have a decent camera and took a shot of it. - Shannon Bauman
This is a gourd basket my mom made for me for my last birthday. It's made from a gourd she grew, as well as pine needles, branches, and seeds she collected.
That's amazing - τorƍue My brother did the audio for it. Nice to have an audio engineer in the family :)
My newest batch of profile pic photos: I had way too much fun with that photo shoot :)