evanp on (Spoilers All) If you could have one popular fan theory be true in TWOW, which theory would it be? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
evanp on (Spoilers All) If you could have one popular fan theory be true in TWOW, which theory would it be? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"The Winterfell Huis Clos supposes she is from North of the Wall and related to Val and Dallas via a theoretical House with a weirwood sigil." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) If you could have one popular fan theory be true in TWOW, which theory would it be? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I think it's entirely conjectural. 1) We know about everybody's third cousin's name and house and sigil, but the matriarch of a central family is completely unmentioned. There must be some kind of surprise coming. 2) her mother was a mountain Flint; so, far-Northerner. 3) Rickon is probably on Skagos." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers all) Sansa the builder? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Maybe the significance is that Sansa has a really good memory." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) Who would inherit the Iron Throne from Daenerys if she conquers westeros? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"No, it's a theory." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) If you could have one popular fan theory be true in TWOW, which theory would it be? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Ned's mother is from Skagos." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) Questions about the Blackfyre/Targ Theories - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Seriously? I mean, besides Varys's homily at the end of ADWD, there doesn't seem to be much evidence that he'll be an awesome ruler. Then again... The bar has been set pretty low." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) Questions about the Blackfyre/Targ Theories - http://www.reddit.com/r...
Yes and probably.
evanp on (Spoilers all) On being a hardcore fan - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Not better. Just different." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers TWOW) On the accuracy of a particular letter received by one Jon Snow. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Technically four words." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers TWOW) On the accuracy of a particular letter received by one Jon Snow. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Two words: Quentyn Martell." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers TWOW Preview) The Winterfell Huis Clos - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Sorry for the language but HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS THE BEST THING EVER. I mean seriously. Best thing ever." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (spoilers all) Sansa's controversy - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"She betrayed her father so she could stay in King's Landing and marry Joffrey." - Evan Prodromou
Nice catch!
Creo que no. Pueden probar a http://pump.io/tryit
It's definitely a part of the design I'm iffy on.
That's probably true, but it's easier to relax that restriction based on experience than it is to try to add it later.
evanp on (spoilers all) Sansa's controversy - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Good point. Even better flair." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on [SPOILERS ALL] I just had a horrible and wonderful thought...If GrrMartin doesn't finish the books in time for the final season.. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"If they don't finish writing the books *or* the scripts before the end of the series, the actors will have to improvise the ending on live TV. THAT would be cool." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) Greyjoy and Stark alliance - http://www.reddit.com/r...
">What if Words are wind." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on FOUND: dire wolf. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"That *is* a problem." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (spoilers all) Sansa's controversy - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"So how about this: Sansa realizes she has power over Littlefinger and *she* seduces *him* to get something she wants? Either that, or she uses her influence over Robert Arryn to overturn Littlefinger and take power directly." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All) More allies for the blood of the dragon. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"It's weird that nobody ever proposes that they could be lovers. I wonder if that's the "Luke and Leia" situation: Tyrion, product of an affair or rape of Joanna Lannister by mad king Aerys gettin' busy with his half-sister Danaerys." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on Was told to post here after I was downvoted to hell in /r/gameofthrones. A request for help with song lyrics I wrote: "The Roose is Loose" - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Hatar hataeris. Down-voting me isn't going to make filking more popular." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on Qu'est qui fait que les Anglophones habitants au Québec se sentent québécois? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I have lived here 10 years come St.Jean. I own a house in the Plateau, I have two kids in French school. I read the Gazette, I eat poutine, gyros and Portuguese chicken. I got married in the dome of the Biosphère. I'd rather watch Game of Thrones than TLMEP, but I go to local shows, dance at Piknic and Mutek, I've built two businesses here. I speak enough French to survive, but not enough to have a complex conversation. I swim at Oka, watch whales at Tadoussac, vacation in Estrie, ski at Tremblant. I don't know what I *am*, and I don't know if I'll ever be what other people call a Quebecois or even a Quebecker, but Montreal and Quebec are my home." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on (Spoilers All)If ASOIAF had advanced by 5 years as GRRM had planned, which characters would you have liked to see most? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I really hate these what-if posts." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on Very cool idea from Evan Prodormou, guy who did status.net and identi.ca. Hope someone at the foundation is On The Case. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Yes, I've been unable to get through to any of the distributors." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on Very cool idea from Evan Prodormou, guy who did status.net and identi.ca. Hope someone at the foundation is On The Case. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"There's no device yet." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on Very cool idea from Evan Prodormou, guy who did status.net and identi.ca. Hope someone at the foundation is On The Case. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
""Prodromou"." - Evan Prodromou
evanp on Very cool idea from Evan Prodormou, guy who did status.net and identi.ca. Hope someone at the foundation is On The Case. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Hi! So, yes, I want to start a Kickstarter for this device, but I can't really do it until someone can tell me they can get me the device, and how many. Ideally I'd get a more complete device with RPi + case + cables, so I don't have to source from different people and assemble it. AdaFruit doesn't do partnerships like this, so please don't suggest them. I'd really like some help with this." - Evan Prodromou
So it's an extra POST, but you do it once per site. I don't think it's prohibitive.