Emily is ......???
Aaa! Sick or not sick? I must know! - Amber
:( I hope you are not sick or sad... - Skye Miller
Emily is missing her boy...
Aww, you can come live with me until he's back! - Amber
Is there somewhere to opt out of receiving junk mail? I get so many ads that I end up throwing away and it just seems like a waste of trees...
PrivacyCouncil.org/End-Junk-Mail - Anne Bouey
They grow the trees for junk mail. If you didn't get the junk mail they wouldn't grow the trees. They'd turn that land into farmland ;) - Amit Patel
I use this service: http://www.41pounds.org/. I still receive some junk mail, but way less than before. - Shannon Jiménez
Thanks everyone! - Emily Miller
New Haircut!!
Looks great! - Ross Miller
I'm loving it! :-) - Emily Miller
Dane Cook - Bad Relationships & Brain Ninjas - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Dane Cook is my favorite man on the planet, Obama is next. - amelia arapoff
I know, I love Dane Cook! Haha, women are brain ninjas! - Emily Miller
Emily is loving her new hair cut!
post pics please! - Karen Padham Taylor
New Zealand pics.... :-) - Emily Miller
Haha, that was for his parking spot at his office :-) And yes, pics of Ross in the sheep hat/gloves....Priceless! - Emily Miller
So, I think this is about the fourth or fifth time I have liked this video on friendfeed, but I just can't help it, I like it! - Amber
Haha, I know what you mean. The tune is just so damn catchy. "I just ate a grape and I......" LOL - Emily Miller
I got to travel back in time! Cool!
Miss ya Sis! - Ross Miller
Heading back to Cali...
:( I will miss you to bits!! - Skye Miller
Emily cannot believe another year has already come and gone...
Another great day in NZ...
Emily is thinking Christmas in NZ couldn't have been any better... :-).
Emily is Merry Christmas!
Mmm...banana bread with blueberries
Emily is so happy to be in NZ with her fam :-).
New Zealand is BEAUTIFUL!
NZ in 1 day!
It will be the best Christmas present ever!! Can't wait!! - Skye Miller
NZ in 2 days!
NZ in 3 days!
I always wondered about that... - Emily Miller
Oh dear, where is this food factory? - Robert Konigsberg
Heh, the first is probably merely chicken-flavoured. - Tanath
OK, just what the hell *is* that stuff then? TVP? Other meat *imitating* chicken? My good gods, I hope I never ingest anything like that. - Mike Smith-Lonergan
So excited about my new ride :-D
I'm jealous of your beepy unlock and your heated seats... - Amber
I LOVE the heated seats!!! Soooo nice to have for winter - Emily Miller
so glad we could make you so happy!! :) - Skye Miller
New ride? Pictures! Must have pictures! - Shannon Jiménez
Emily is excited about getting her parent's Passat!!
Emily is wishing she lived with her girls still!
FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments - http://failblog.org/page/141/
FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments - http://failblog.org/
LOL!! - Emily Miller
Yay for pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgivings :-)
Yay!!! I get to see you both tomorrow!! :) - Skye Miller