Daniel Dulitz

Product design, Google, relationships and communication, economics and finance, decisionmaking using statistics, rock climbing
Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps? Don't Believe Claims About Fiscal Policy You Read in Forbes Edition - http://delong.typepad.com/sdj...
This is one of the most concise tax-rate explainers I've seen. Apples to apples makes for an interesting graph, and a somewhat different narrative than "tax receipts are independent of tax rates" proponents peddle. Reagan presided over one of the biggest tax cuts, and one of the biggest tax rises, ever. The tax rise gets edited out of history for some reason. - Daniel Dulitz
Uh, Obviously …Your Facebook Updates Are Mostly Ignored - http://thefuturebuzz.com/2011...
SHOCKER: Dog bites man. - Daniel Dulitz
Stop Blaming Trade Imbalances On Lazy Greeks, Industrious Germans And Other Stereotypes - http://www.businessinsider.com/moralit...
Why we should expect good giving to be hard - http://blog.givewell.org/2011...
Really enjoying my first #smx ! Saw Chris for first time in 9 years. Nine!
RT @mattcutts: Daniel Dulitz is presenting about +1 right now. Little-known #smx fact: Daniel and I started at Google the same day in 2000.
What Kind of News Does the Net Need? - http://delong.typepad.com/sdj...
Concentration, Manipulation and Margin Calls - http://londonbanker.blogspot.com/2011...
Why The Filter Bubble Is No Bubble and It's Not Bad Either - http://blog.louisgray.com/2011...
In Union There Is Strength - http://delong.typepad.com/sdj...
Rat Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Matthew Yglesias Reads Simon Johnsons TARP Testimony - http://delong.typepad.com/sdj...
Stereo photographs of 1906 San Francisco Quake discovered - http://www.boingboing.net/2011...
The dollar, the RMB and the euro? - http://mpettis.com/2011...
What Are Those Brick Circles in SF Streets? - http://calibersf.com/2011...
Sap rising, a new job and the NHS - http://londonbanker.blogspot.com/2011...
Insurance and Banking: Risk, Resiliency and Harmonisation - http://londonbanker.blogspot.com/2011...
One of the six people (okay, I exaggerate, maybe five) in the world who seem to understand systemic risk and the actual characteristics of models, what they can do and what they can't. - Daniel Dulitz
Shaking Down Science - http://www.crypto.com/blog...
This sounds like a good idea for fields in which there is any option. - Daniel Dulitz
Thoughts on Angel List, "Social Proof", "Spray & Pray", & The Network Effects of Large Scale Investing - http://500hats.typepad.com/500blog...
Profane but insightful. - Daniel Dulitz
R. T. Leuchtkafer on Financial Market Ecology: Positive-Feedback Trading - http://delong.typepad.com/sdj...
This is a pretty good summary of why HFT could be destabilizing. The problem isn't with low-latency trade execution -- the problem is that there is a particular business model built on low-latency trade execution, and that model interacts poorly with tail risks. Humans are as usual doing poorly estimating or even understanding tail risks. We need a system where firms making bad decisions can be restarted (with the old bums liquidated) without the restart hurting other innocent people. But we don't have such a system today. "A best bid today isn't a bid to own shares at a price, or even a traditional dealer or market maker's attempt to provide liquidity. As much as 50% of the time it's just a firm trying to scalp a few basis points as quickly as possible. When that scalper's bid is executed, it then becomes an unexploded competitive liquidity demand, with the timer set, as Kirilenko found, at about two minutes, or even less." - Daniel Dulitz
It doesn't make sense to me. What's a "scalper" supposed to be? Describe "unexploded competitive liquidity demand"? Their unexplained use of connotative terminology seems highly suspect. - ⓞnor
ⓞnor, there are multiple paragraphs on the definition and connotation of the term "scalper" in the linked article of which this is an excerpt. I do think it's worth reading, and significantly clearer. - Ruchira S. Datta
Radio Free Meredith - Programming languages and their relationship styles - http://maradydd.livejournal.com/293666...
This is too wonderfully weird not to share. Just as with a horoscope I couldn't help asking myself which language I was really. - Daniel Dulitz
South Dakota Considers Legalizing The Murder Of Abortion Providers [Roe V World] - http://jezebel.com/#!57608...
Ladies and gentlemen. My state. Thank you very much. - Daniel Dulitz
His Beautiful Light Ingenuous Fantasy - http://www.pheedcontent.com/click...
Okay, this 2 minute video is really cool. It's an animal... sort of... - Daniel Dulitz
This story really brings the personal and the digital-media together. It's like looking behind the twitter persona to see more of the complete person there. What celebrity journalism should be! - Daniel Dulitz
Mervyn King: From Bagehot to Basel, and Back Again - http://londonbanker.blogspot.com/2011...
Exploitation of the people who don't understand by the few people who do. - Daniel Dulitz
Bill Introduced in South Dakota Would Require All Citizens to Buy a Gun - CBS News - http://news.google.com/news...
Ladies and gentlemen. My state. Thank you very much. - Daniel Dulitz
great! - 9000
I don't generally have the patience for podcasts. This one was AMAZING. - Daniel Dulitz
Challenger, 25 Years Later - http://www.pheedcontent.com/click...
Lane Wallace is a great aerospace writer, and here I think she's got it especially right. - Daniel Dulitz
Gender and the Philosophy Club - http://www.philosophypress.co.uk/...
There are two arguments in this essay, and their power comes from the fact that the arguments interact in what might be a surprising way... - Daniel Dulitz