I really want to hire this guy, but it you want to beat me to it let me know! (I wish I knew what made him bitter) https://twitter.com/dalmaer...
RT @adrianco: #io14 Google using "microservices like structures" in the browser for large scale front end app teams https://twitter.com/adrianc...
RT @igrigorik: Doing a talk on 'HTTPS everywhere' at I/O; 'Making TLS fast' at Velocity tomorrow; more TLS at WebPerfDays on Friday... TLS all the tubes!
RT @esten: As an Android developer, I'm not sure I saw a single thing today that will make it easier to do my job. Apple seems to care more about that.
RT @gmail: Happy to see the excitement for the new Gmail API. Developers can now work with IMAP, POP, or the API! Get started: https://t.co/PSHsGzIqgY
Wanted: a sample material design app with versions of: all native, all PhoneGap+polymer, a nice mix.... And see how they all play out.
"You could very easily use React with Ampersand.js" http://blog.andyet.com/2014...
RT @lukew: My favorite session of Google I/O by far: http://www.lukew.com/ff... thanks @hayesraffle @faaborg @thoughtwax @bobryskamp
RT @kennethrohde: Android L WebView will support WebGL, WebRTC and WebAudio
RT @BenedictEvans: Google and Apple numbers show Android app ARPU is a quarter of iOS. Very consistent with what most developers report
RT @StevenLevy: I'm joining Medium to start a new home for lively, meaningful tech writing. https://t.co/jJICfVyeo4
Man, how fun would it be to be able to say "I am Eric Schmidt from Google" and being the other one.
A reason to buy a Chromebook: best way to demo your Android apps in a product review meeting?
When I push on a material it goes down, but in our UIs the element raises up. Hmm.
RT @maboa: A guide to Google's design principles http://www.google.com/design/
Congrats to @mattsmcnulty and team on Polymer bringing us Material Design!
RT @domenic: I converted a bunch of Node code to Traceur-based ES6: https://t.co/tgkNeeDqGv fun stuff.
RT @github: Introducing the Revert Button https://t.co/rsgRqErli9
Blog Post: “Hey Siri, I am off to bed” Are we developing technology that will enable us to do good vs. entertain us? https://t.co/OVcAry3jGq
RT @kangax: 2005: Check out this DHTML script I made 2010: Check out this jQuery plugin I made 2014: Check out this Web Component I made
OH: "The problem with A/B tests is that there isn't a 'they both suck!' option!" #YouHaveToAimWellFirst
RT @swissmiss: Custom made sketch preview tool for iOS by Chipsa.ru! https://twitter.com/tim_mck... (via @tim_mckee)
RT @HNTweets: Using deep learning and D3.js to predict personality from Facebook Posts: http://labs.five.com Comments: https://t.co/il9RTfLtPo
RT @_joshnh: I’m a fan of this iOS control panel + multitasking concept: https://t.co/MbRZyXeJY2
RT @1Marc: I didn’t know JavaScript had method to make native objects immutable http://raganwald.com/2014...
RT @TheEricAnderson: Just finished SideComments.js, a JS component to give your site/web app @Medium style commenting. Check it out! http://aroc.github.io/side-co...
RT @toddmparker: Damn. “@hakimel: Made something weird with checkboxes. Because why not. http://t.co/NSkLGBpG5y”
RT @MrLeePerry: Mind blown! “@mearabai: Arabic numerals were originally designed so number of angles on a symbol equals the number. http://t.co/oNYtOdAoO9”
Slingshot: surely a "Silicon Valley" episode? "We need more content creation, so lets force it. The quality will obviously be high not feet"